Saving Vulgora - Muriel's Route

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(Spoilers for Muriel's route! I can't remember which chapter it was that this occurs though, :(( sorry)

"Muriel!" You cry out as you gaze in horror at the brutal scene before you and in the blink of an eye they're gone. Vulgora and Muriel, lost through that ominous hole. You won't lose anyone else though - you just can't. You plummet through the portal after them both, with the ominous gate closing behind you...

When you open your eyes again, black, briny water assaults your orifices; choking you and stinging your eyes and nostrils. Below you rises a burst of bubbles and- beetles.

You look down in horror to see the horrified and enraged grimace of the pontifex, their claws still slick with the blood of your Muriel. As they scream and sputter, a swarm of beetles and ooze spill out from their throat.

You kick at their gauntlet to little avail, but when all seems lost to the undertow a strangely familiar paw breaks the surface and pulls you out. A white eyed dog sits before you, almost expectantly. Despite the deja vu, you can't seem to put a name to the face; strange, considering how very few mystical dog people you meet.

A shrill shriek breaks the silence, followed by violent, feral thrashing. You see Vulgora has made their way to the surface as well, though without a boat, they don't seem to be doing nearly as well. On top of that, the demonic chains that pulled them into the portal have returned and threaten to drag the warmonger to an abyssal slumber.

Despite knowing what they've done to you, to Muriel, to everyone; despite their countless cruelties; despite their refusal to change; you hold your hand out to them.

"Take my hand! Hurry!"

A quick splash of treachery crawls across their face and for a brief moment you fear your pity was misplaced, but rather than bite the hand that saves them, Vulgora takes your hand and you see their hatred turn to genuine emotion. Fear for the most part but under those unsettling features... you see someone sad and shivering, a child that doesn't want to die. You can swear you almost see a red, oozing tear.

Suddenly a bright light breaks your vision, scattering your sight like dust in the wind. The chains let out an almost living wail and shatter as your hand meets their talons...

For a moment that seems like forever, you and the dog spirit simply row on in silence, sharing a few awkward and paranoid glances back and forth; doing your best to avoid looking at the sopping wet, sniffling courtier sitting far too close for comfort.

It's finally the dog that breaks the silence.

"Aroo? Roo."

You and Vulgora follow their gaze, searching past their point, and before you stands a silent Vesuvia.


The overjoyed shouting of the pontifex startles you into a slight giggle.


Normally, a chill would run down your spine, thinking you enraged the violent demon, but instead, you feel at ease. This wasn't a real accusation, it was playful almost. There was a smile on Vulgora that wasn't completely monstrous and sadistic, it was almost happy-looking.


They flexed their muscles in a statuesque pose, yet they were far from looking statuesque themself. As they flexed a gush of water released itself from their clothes, eliciting a burst of laughter from you and even some snickering from the canid guide.

The pontifex even let theirself have a good chuckle about it, before blushing and remembering who they were talking to. The giggling dies down and the old awkward silence returns, joined by the eerie silence of the city before you.

You know this isn't Vesuvia already. Even when Lucio took over, there was at least the rumbling of worms and scuttle of... well there was still a scuttler, you suppose. You wonder briefly, how it was possible you even saved them, how you broke the binding chains of the deal, and most of all, you wondered why they haven't tried to kill you again.

In the distance, a dim, hungry glow and a mute droning cheer. You look to Vulgora and they look to you. The Coliseum awaits...

To Be Continued

*author's note*
Let me know if you liked this! When I got to this part in Muriel's route, I was very sad to not be able to save Vulgora (my buggy beloved little beetle). Especially considering you have the option to try to save them, it was a low blow by the team smh 💔

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