Ace Muriel ♠️

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***Spoilers for Muriel's Route and Author's Note***

Okay, so, elephant in the room, I am not ace and as much as know about ace folks I know I don't know nearly enough to tell a real story about their sexuality. I am opting to let the kind ace folks of wattpad to tell me what I did wrong. I welcome these criticisms with open arms and I will change my story to better tell the truth.
To clarify, also, I've written Muriel to be a sex-averse ace and I know that isn't the only flavor of asexual, but it is a flavor and among my hcs for Muriel.


It had been a month since your quest to defeat the Devil, or Lucio, or whatever he had become- it didn't matter, you and Muriel and the whole world was safe from that threat, and that's what matters.
After the long celebration (too long if you'd asked Muriel), the two of you finally got some time to settle down and be alone. At least, that's what you'd been hoping for.
For the past week, Muriel seemed- preoccupied, to put it nicely. It seemed every waking moment, he was off doing something and when he came back to you, he was very nervous. It was as if he expected you to *do* something to him, he became a frightened spider looking for any dark shade to escape to.
Finally, you'd worried enough and asked him outright.
"Muriel, what's wrong?"
Taken aback, he simply stuttered for a moment, fumbling his words.
"Wh-what do you mean, y/n?"
"I feel like you've been avoiding me, did I- did I do something? You know you could tell me and we can talk about it,"
He flushed and looked down at the floor, his face painted with embarrassment and shaded slightly with guilt.
"Well, I- er, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way, it's just..."
He trailed off and tried in vain to avert his gaze from yours.
"It's okay, just know that I'm here for you. If you need to take some time to yourself, that's alright. I love you, Muriel,"
You motioned to ask if he wanted a hug, and with his flustered consent, you wrapped your arms around the great big bear of a man. If his face was burning red before, he was white hot now.
You could feel him trying to steel himself in your embrace, but still he couldn't let go of the words that had taken hold of his tongue.
"I'm fine, it's not you, I just, I- I'm not, that- with the *stuff*,"
You moved out from his arms and held his hands gently. Petting his knuckles and pushing your fingers through his.
"Are you sure you want to tell me? It's okay if you don't want to, I'd never force you to do something you don't want to do,"
With those words, you saw the dam in his throat burst, letting go of the flood behind it. He took a deep breath and,
"Thank you, y/n. I-I appreciate that and I do want to tell you, I was just- I was scared. I-I don't like doing certain *things*. You know, th-the things that a lot of couples *do*. When it's just them. *ahem* Alone."
Realization spread through your mind and poured out into your expression as you let out a short laugh. Muriel blushed again and pouted.
"I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, dear. It's just the way you put that was a bit funny and I suppose, more unexpected than anything else. Thank you for being honest with me,"
Although he still had cherries in his cheeks, he smiled now and let himself laugh a little too.
"I guess I should've been more subtle?"
"Was that sarcasm, Muriel? I didn't know you had that in you,"
The two of you laughed for a short while, breaking the serious cloud that had begun to encircle you.
'I should've known you would understand, y/n. Asra told me there's plenty of people like me and I shouldn't feel so scared to tell you, but, I didn't want you to feel like I was-"
You cut him off with another hug, knowing he would just make himself feel bad for it again.
"You don't make me feel anything but loved and appreciated, Muriel,"
He looked at you for a moment, feeling your love wholly and completely..
You both sat there for a while, silently and tenderly embracing one another, until you both fell asleep.

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