Courtiers React to pregnant y/n

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Assuming you are their partner or bestie



Comments on how your clothes don't fit anymore. Offers to have them re-tailored or have new clothes sent for you.

Fully empathic with you. You cry, he cries; you're pissed, he's pissed; your hungry, he's ordering servants to bring you both a suitable snack.

Gets more stressed as the due date comes.

Asks often if you're sure you want the baby, sorta projecting onto you.

Probably the most disastrous parent aside from Vulgora, let's be honest, you're gonna have to stop him from trying to turn the baby into him.


Very excited!! But also very scared and worried because she doesn't want the baby to be half demon or always hungry.

Loves all your new weird cravings and tries them all with you.

Always makes sure you're comfy as all get out, covered in pillows and blankets.

Tries to cook for you. She can't cook to save her life, even if she wasn't constantly eating the ingredients.

I'm sorry but she's definitely gonna eat the placenta and also maybe don't leave her alone with the baby for a few months...



The most excited for the baby.

You're scared.

Vlastomil is very excited about this to the dismay and unsettlement of you and Vulgora.

Vulgora definitely bites the umbilical cord or chops it with a giant sword or axe.

Wants to name the baby "Sword" or "Badass jr." or "Optimus Prime" or something like that.


Says you look like you have some sort of parasitic worm.

Excited to see it burst out of you, xenomorph style.

You have to call it a human larva for him to even try to understand what's going on.

Super hyped to be a dad once he realizes it's his.


You can't not have a c section now.

A bit disappointed you want to keep the baby. Like. Alive.

Shows you jars of... uh... babies. In the various states of progress as you progress.

When they learn it's theirs, they are shooketh.

It might come out half-skeleton, half-tentacle, half-horse demon (you are literally going to create the Arcana Jersey Devil oh my god)

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