If It Pleases The Court - The Investigator (pt. 1)

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"I'm late!"

Although it was only 10 minutes past when you planned to wake up, you knew the Countess's court was not the most forgiving, especially Praetor Vlastomil. During your investigation, you made it a point to interrogate each of Nadia's courtiers. Being the arm of the law, Vlastomil was your first choice to question. Sure, he may be strange and a little too wet and, well, just plain weird, but he is still the Magistrate, surely a man of the law would be able to help you with a criminal investigation.

Gathering yourself and what belongings you may need, making sure to bring a protection charm just in case the witness may have done more than watch, before you rush out the door. Just in time to catch your carriage to Vlastomil's estate.

Sadly, the countess was unable to join you, she did, however, entrust one of her personal guards to you and the aid of a servant. The guard shifted uneasily in her seat, her face hidden by the metal of her helmet. You'd heard rumors from the servants about workers and guards having to be moved from the estates back to the palaces due to "workplace stress"; whether you believed these rumors or not, it only helped to make you more nervous about your encroaching encounter.

The servant seemed almost excited as they fidgeted in their seat. "Oh! M'lady suggested it might help to bribe Vlastomil and Volta," they said as they produced a small glass bottle from their satchel, a strange, furry worm wriggling around within it. "I've never met the Praetor, but m'lady says he's very interested in worms. She said this one comes from a cave in Northern Prakra."

"Thank you, um, what was your name again?"

"Jibb, sorry, I'm new to the palace, I used to do service work for the nobility, until-" a loud crunch cut off the young servant and the carriage rolls to stop. Gazing outside, you see the tall pale trees surrounding the magistrate's mansion, their trunks swarming with sickly vines. A cold wind rustles the long, gnarled limbs, writhing against the dark and cloudy sky.

The guard lets out a pent-up sigh and steps out onto the road. Curiosity getting the better of you, you follow her. The two of you circle the carriage, searching for the driver to no avail. He seems to have vanished into thin air.

"Back into the carriage, witch, I'm going to search the area,"

"Are you sure? I might be able to help," The forest was starting to unsettle you, between the the eerie silence cut by the occasional gust of wind and the tall squirming trees. You weren't about to leave the guard and sit defenseless in a box.

"Orders are to keep you safe, witch,"

"I'd be safest next to the person with a weapon, don't you think?"

The guard stood thoughtfully for a moment before relenting and motioning for you to follow closely. She brandished a long and sharp halberd, allowing a wide distance between us and whatever she thought to be out here.

A quick rustle in the leaves and the pair of you turn around as if your life depends on it, only to be greeted by the servant.

"The Praetor has arrived! He says one of his worms has gotten loose again,"

A cold shiver runs down the guard and if you could see her face, you're certain she'd be sweating. A small entourage of black armored soldiers approaches each of them equipped with what resembles a man-catcher but much larger around. Making his way through the group, whining for them to move, is Praetor Vlastomil.

"Oh, beloved Henrettor, please come out, I beg of you~" He seems to be on the verge of tears, his shrill cries for this 'Henrettor' breaking the quiet of the wood. "You, magician-thing, have you seen my precious Henrettor? He is not fit for these woods, his home is with me, oh Henrettor,"

The soldiers begin to move out on the search for Henrettor, the guard and the servant proceed back to the carriage, and you make your way to the distraught man before you.

"Um, Praetor Vlastomil?"

"What?? What could be more important than finding my worm?!?" His voice becomes a wild shriek and a look of loathing spreads across his face.

"Oh, uh, what does your Henrettor, um, look like?" Although you weren't hoping to search the woods for a giant worm, you thought it might be a better idea than to risk the ire of the witness.

And it worked, Vlastomil's face lights up into a small smile, "Oh, my Henrettor is so beautiful and handsome, he is such a fine specimen of a Banded Tortaron Tree Worm. They're known for their- oh!" Suddenly Vlastomil is snatched up by a long banded tail and a crunch sounds down from the canopy.

You quickly look around, panicking for something to defend yourself, but just as you turn around, a banded tail shoots out from above you and wraps around your waist, squeezing the breath out of you and pulling you into the forest branches...

So, I plan to continue this and delve into the other courtiers in a multiple part sorta story. Let me know what you think! I'm always open to constructive criticism :3

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