Main 6 Ships! 🚢

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Content Warning!! Mentions of S*x, nothing outright explicit. I'm not labeling this as smut, because it's just a list, so I wanted to put that warning in there for whoever needs it.


🐍🍵 Asra 💔🦊
× Julian - Obvious, Canon, beautiful. I love their relationship, they're so cute. Not much else to say.

× Muriel - Canon, but less obvious I'd say. Adorable. Especially fun since one of Asra's boyfriends absolutely despises the other for no apparent reason.

× Magician - You know they got up to some stuff. Evidence #1 - the graphic. You know which. You had the same idea everyone else had.

Ex-Devil - Sealed the deal, then broke up. Devil still tries to get Asra to make more "deals", but Asra keeps the protection charms nice and steady (in other words, big goat got blocked)

× Nadia - Not romantic, I imagine they're friends with benefits. Became acquainted with the "benefits" when Julian was busy or off sailing. They're big bffs though.

🏰🥂 Nadia 💜🦉
× Julian - Also Canon, very hot. The most submissive man + most dominant woman, what more could you want. More s*xual than romantic, I imagine it's more like friends with benefits, with a little bit of unspoken romance. Who doesn't secretly pine for their friends?

× Portia - Nadia's snatching up the whole Devorak family. Yet again, Canon. They have a very sweet relationship, they deserve each other so much. More openly romantic than Nadia and Julian.

Ex-Lucio - Thankfully Canon, I do not agree with them getting back together after what goat boy did to Nadia. I love them both, not in the same room.

× Volta - These two would be more adorable than a cloud of kittens. Nadia gives Volta all the sweets she wants, all the praise she needs, and more comfort than could be imagined.

× Asra - Asra and Nadia do magic together. She shows him how to incorporate a little enchantment into technology. They show her how to perform spells, like making fire. They have fun hanging out in one another's gates.

× Valerius - Lucio wasn't the only one skirting the marital rules with the Consul. Valerius was basically the only one who'd listen to Nadia and respected her. The two fell in love a little, but public appearances and Lucio kept them apart. Then he died, but Nadia took a giant nap and forgot everything. Then Valerius started working with the Devil. For a while, their love seemed not to be. After the Devil gets his ass handed to him though, they can finally be together, in secret of course. Sometimes during meetings, if Nadia gets bored of Vlastomil's worm lectures.

🎭😷 Julian ❤🖤
× Asra - I already went over this one, so not much to say. The Julian×Asra×MC throuple is a top tier love triangle. Asra using magic during *fun time* would freak Julian out, but maybe that's the goal 😏

× Nadia - Also talked about this one. I think Julian would be the one to keep it from being more of a romantic relationship. He'd see Nadia and Portia being in love and get depressed 😭  (he just like me fr)
× Valdemar - I *really* enjoy this ship. "Doctor 69" 😏? I hc that they tried to get together during the plague, but it didn't work out, then MC died and Julian sorta just went through the motions with them, all heartbroken. Then after the devil is imprisoned, they work their stuff out.

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