Red Dreams - Vulgora × Y/N Fluff/Angst

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The shrill screech of the tea kettle wakes you up, cold sweat running down your neck and spine. Another nightmare of smoke and fire and that terrible red swarm
You wish it would all go away, or at least stop bothering you so much, but thus far that hope has been nothing more.

Thankfully, you've had the personal aid of your very own pontifex. Today's remedy is a nice warm cup of hot tea to wake up to.

"That hearth salamander of yours is very playful! Kept trying to bite me, haha!"

"Please tell me you didn't bite him,"

"No, I didn't bite him, magician, what do you take me for, an animal?" They shake their head and give out a small chortle.

"How are you feeling, dear?" They set the mug in your lap and lay a clawed hand on your back, looking into your face with some concern.

"I'm okay, just another bad dream is all." You say in a vain attempt to soothe their nerves

"I'm sorry to hear that, I wish I could just RIP OPEN YOUR SKULL AND SMASH THAT MEAN LITTLE BRAIN!!" You laugh as you see how heated they get, taking your turn now to stroke their back and soothe them.

"Sorry, I know we said no more skull-ripping and brain-smashing,"

"It's okay, Vulgy, you didn't *actually* rip my head open, and I'm pretty glad that you're saying what you feel rather than actually doing it."

They smile that goofy little tooth-filled grin and bury their face in your shoulder.

"I love you, y/n. I do not say that enough,"

"It's okay, I know you do,"

"Do you love me?" They look up at you, a bittersweet glaze over their eyes.

"Of course, I do," You pet the back of their head and they purr softly. Slowly, the pontifex falls asleep, snoring lightly against your chest. A red beetle crawls out of their mouth and down their shirt, sending a short jolt of dread into you. You shake the fear out through your head.

You're safe. Don't worry.

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