Courtiers react to you flirting 💕

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🍷  Valerius

A bit surprised, but won't let it show.

Calls you childish and immature.

Every now and then, you see him smirk a little, using his wine glass to hide his smile.

As soon as he's alone, he let's himself blush and feels very embarrassed, trying to compose himself (Portia sees him though and tells you)

Next time you try to flirt with him, he's much less able to keep composure (especially since you know he likes it).

If you surprise him with a hard hitting flirt while he's sipping, he does a spit take into his glass.

🕊  Volta

Gets flustered very easily, blushing and cooing

A lot of thank yous and "you are too kind to Volta"

Literally can't form sentences

Might happy cry afterwards when she's alone

Also asks Nadia and the other Courtiers what she should do for you (expect a very conflicting dinner date)

🪲  Vulgora

Does not understand flirting, goes right over their head

"You *want* me to step on you? Did somebody bludgeon your head?"

Asks Lucio and the other courtiers what to do, explains to them very poorly what you said.


🪱  Vlastomil

Gets confused if you try to flirt

Stares at you blankly, slowly blinks one eye at a time

"You want to see my most special worm? I could never pick, how dare you!"

💀  Valdemar

Knows your flirting, does not care.

If you continue, they stare at you until you stop.

If they sense you want to try again, they make a preemptive strike and flirt with you so hard you shut down, then act like nothing happened.

Just a quickie I came up with yesterday, been reading a lot of Courtier headcanons lol 😅
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They're both very nice, the former has been discontinued, but I very much enjoyed it :3

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