1_ Nighttime Cuddles

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Scenario; Double Life Cuddling 
Characters; Scar, Grian 
Fluff/Angst; a bit of both (there's some mob damage at the beginning) but mostly fluff 
Romantic/Platonic; Romantic but can be read as ambiguous 
Word Count; 469 

   Grian stumbled into the spike cake, utterly exhausted from building all day. The inside was practically bare, but he didn't really care; he was far too tired. He stumbled across the ground floor toward where he'd placed his bed, falling face first and sighing in relief as he felt the wool blanket tickle his face. His red, gold and blue hued wings spread a bit in a way to relax. He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, attempting to sleep. Of course, he couldn't get that because he felt the sting and burn of a flame arrow in his left upper arm. He hissed and instantly shot up, his right arm shooting up to grip the wound. There was no fire, nor any actual wound, aside from a scar, and the pain. 

   After only a minute, he heard rushed footsteps and harsh breaths, presumably from Scar. Grian looked up and saw Scar running inside, half an arrow sticking out of his left arm," Scar! What happened!" He got up and spread his wings so he didn't lose his balance, before going over to his soulbound partner, ushering him towards a chair nearby. "Skeleton. I didn't see it in the shadows of a tree and it shot me. But I outran it and got home!" Grian sighed and shook his head a little as he rummaged their chests, looking for bandages and sitting on a chair in front of Scar. "It's okay. We're both okay, let's just get you patched up and go to bed." 

   They sat there quietly as Grian removed the arrow from Scar's arm and bandaged the man's arm. The winged man let out a yawn as he put the bandages back into the chest he found them in. He felt Scar come up behind him and wrap his arms hesitantly around the shorter's waist, pulling a tired whine from him," Scar, we need to go to bed." He heard Scar huff quietly behind him and pull him closer before burying his head in the shorter's hair. "C'mon, bed, please. I'm so tired." Scar nodded against his hair and let him go, but didn't release him fully, holding onto the end of his shirt as the two made their way to the bed in the other corner. 

   They collapsed into the bed and almost instantly latched onto each other, Grian's head burrowed into Scar's neck, Scar's face buried into Grian's hair, their legs tangled together and their arms wrapped loosely around each other. Grian's wings draped on top of them both, gently resting so one covered the wound on Scar's arm as well. Grian was the first to fall asleep, being entirely too tired to stay awake any longer, Scar being not too far behind him. They both slept silently, clinging to each other under the blankets. 

   Chapter 1 finished. Nighttime Cuddles! 

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