4_ Betrayal

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This one is very self-indulgent. It came to me while I was playing Minecraft and read a tweet about it. 

Scenario: 3rd Life, near the end 
Characters: Grian, Scar, Bdubs 
Fluff/Angst: Angst, a bunch of angst 
Romantic/Platonic: Romantic (it's portrayed as one-sided but it's really not) 
Word Count: 793 

   Grian and Bdubs stood across from each other, roughly 20 blocks from each other. Bdubs stood with his arms crossed, crimson eyes staring Grian down, making the avian feel even smaller than he actually was. 'Is this what it's like being targetted by a red life? Is it really this intense?' The yellow life thought to himself as Scar moved to stand in between the two, a crooked smile on his face. Grian pulled his sword closer to his chest, taking a deep breath in. Just like the rest of the season, Grian had no clue what Scar was planning here. 

   Scar reached into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. Grian's heart dropped, seeing the paper in the scarred man's hand. "Whoever gets the 'No-Kill' pass. I don't kill." These were Scar's only words before he dropped the slip of paper. Both Grian and Bdubs dove for the slip of paper. The small slip of ripped white never hit the ground. When Bdubs pulled back, grinning and holding the pass in the air, Grian tried rationalizing in his mind. 'He won't kill me, right? We've spent too much time together for him to betray me in the end. Right?' 

   He was wrong, as proved by the blade slicing into his back, somehow missing his wings, or maybe it was intentional; he never figures it out. He fell forward in pain before quickly picking up his sword and spinning around and swinging his sword at Scar, tears burning in his eyes. His sword barely missed the scarred man's nose as he stepped back. Grian stood up and lunged at Scar, missing how the taller's face softened and turned almost sad as they swiped at each other. Grian hissed and swung harder. How could he? 

   How could he?! The man Grian had spent all season with! The man he'd kept alive this whole time! After all they've been through! After all they've done together! How could he, the man Grian trusted. The man Grian spent all of his lives with. The man Grian loved! How could he turn on him at the end like this? How could he betray him like this after all of this? How dare he toss what they had aside. Grian was seeing red as he swung, he didn't see Bdubs draw his bow. Didn't see the arrow fly in their direction, lodging itself halfway through the blonde's head, effectively killing him. 

   The now-red life shot up in his bed, shock running through his blood before he schooled his shocked expression into a snarl, convincing himself to stay mad at Scar. Scar may not have dealt the final blow, but his betrayal hurt more than anything Grian had ever gone through since the Watchers and EVO. Tears of frustration burned his eyes as he got up from his hastily made bed and grabbed his spare gear from the chest before nearly bolting out of the tunnel and back towards where Scar and Bdubs were still hanging around, chatting. 

   The tears burning his eyes finally started falling but he ignored the burn on his cheeks and in his eyes as he jumped down from a tree, slashing at Scar, screeching," Betrayer!!" He slashed again, knocking Scar off his feet and into the small little pond below the short cliff they stood on. Bdubs jumped down after Scar," Scar! Scar! He's got the high ground now!" Grian hissed and jumped down after them, aiming another swing of his sword at the taller man. "After everything! Everything!! 

   "All the long nights! All the cold dinners! All the smack talking of Renchanting! All of it! After everything!! A shoddy alliance built on a flimsy clock! Is more valuable?! How could you! After everything we've been through!" Grian hadn't realized his health had gotten low or that Scar had taken out Bdubs, or that Scar wasn't even fighting him back. When he did realize, he also noticed tears in Scar's eyes. "Why.. why aren't you fighting back?! Fight back!" "No." "Coward! Traitor!" Scar gave the avian a smile. "After everything you've done to keep me alive. 

   "You may slay me. And take the enchanter." Grian froze in place. Scar was going to just... let Grian kill him? The red-life blood in his veins cheered and beckoned him to slice into Scar until there was nothing left. But Grian faltered. He didn't move. "No... I can't." He stepped back," I can't." Scar smiled sadly," You can. You have to." Grian shook his head. He didn't say anything though. "G. After everything. The long nights. The cold dinners. The... smack talking Renchanting. All of it. You owed your first life to me. But now... 

   "I owe my last one to you." 


 This is the best ending you're getting from me for this by the way, cry about it lmao /lh  

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