Ten Years Have Passed, Our Heroes aren't As Strong As They Once Were.

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The Scientist shouted, reloading her rifle. Xenthos began to stand before falling to his knees, the hit was bad. The Oni roared and suddenly regenerated its chest cavity.

"They can do that now?!!!" Ibaraki screamed while hanging from a tree, Imps began to roar and grow larger as they sprinted at Xenthos, he stood up and roared as he ran at them and began to beat on them. They evaded him as Ibaraki rained arrows around him that burst into flames to defend him, they just jumped through the fire and began to swarm him.

"Xenthos!!" Ibaraki rapidly fired arrows before suddenly a bunch of cuts in the air were seen, suddenly a woman appeared and sheathed her blade making all the Imps drop.

"Scientist. I'll help you handle this beast." The woman spoke.

"Utsukushī! The perfect person at the perfect time!" Konkitsu exclaimed happily

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"Utsukushī! The perfect person at the perfect time!" Konkitsu exclaimed happily.

"Your aid is appreciated, but we've won. That is if anyone doesn't want to listen?" Xenthos stood up and grouped up with everyone, she smiled and continued.

"With Sōzō's Hand, this battle is decided." Utsukushī looked at the Scientist confused.

"The Hand Of Creation? I'm confused." Utsukushī looked around at them.

"Everyone show her!" The Scientist ordered and Ibaraki instantly used it to sling around the trees, she then launched it out and used it to trip the Oni and load in an arrow while in mid air.


"Atsuryoku-ten." She fired it and hitting the Oni's leg tearing it off.

"Konkitsu Scientist Now!" The two summoned orbs and tossed them at the Oni and fired at them, blowing them up and immensely damaging it. It roared but before it could rise and a loud SHINK sound was heard, Utsukushī was behind it and sheathed her sword dropping it. Once the battle was over, the group purified the remains.

"This doohickey is badass!!" Ibaraki celebrated.

"How much does it cost?!"

"My payment is in your use of it. The more you use it the happier I'll be." The Scientist said with a smile.

"This thing is incredible Scientist, how does it work?" Konkitsu asks.

"Similar to your body actually. It takes the thoughts of the individual and manifests it with more structural power depending on the willpower of the individual." She explains.

"So to sum it up it's another one of your inventions?" Utsukushī says.

"That's the sum of it."

"Alright big guy come here let me get a look at you." Ibaraki began to check on Xenthos, despite his grumbling and profuse refusal she managed to assess the damages he took. Just then three people walked over to the group all wearing the same attire, they wore pretty simple knight-like armor.

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