The Resurgence

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"Whoa!" Ibaraki and Wukong leapt out of the way evading the Fire Blight as it shot flames out of its mouth, it was a very large version of the creature but this one was blue and purple.


"This one is called a brood mother! It's eaten a lot more people than any other and thus it's much stronger and a lot more dangerous, if you see anything come out of its butt destroy it!"

"This is the grossest mission I've ever taken and I hate you for this!" The Brood Mother attacked and spewed blue flames at the duo. Ibaraki waved her arm in front of herself creating a barrier that she then jumped off of to create distance, she fired her arrows which bounced off the creature's body.
"Right exoskeleton." She landed on a tree and infused some of her spirit with her arrows firing at the creature and chipping it's armor. The Brood Mother roared and began to rush the tree.

"Wooo!" Wukong slid underneath the Brood Mother and knocked it off its feet by sweeping its joints with his staff.
"Whoa!" Wukong slid his staff underneath him and extended it, propelling himself upwards and avoiding a piercing foot from a Fire Blight. Its mouth burst open and went to catch Wukong but Ibaraki shot an arrow through its mouth causing it to screech and die. Wukong landed in a small pit with a swarm of Fire Blights which began to rush and attack him, he dodged, fought, and slayed the various Blights that rushed him. In the middle of the battle he snapped his staff in half, holding the two sections they would bend and extend into Tonfas with spikes on the front. Wukong grinned as more Blights rushed at him from various angles and he effortlessly used his Tonfas to fight them off, Ibaraki kept The Brood Mother distracted but she noticed glints of metal in the various blights, just then Wukong called out.

"Ibaraki! Watch this!" He swayed his head left and right creating clones from his hair that jumped around and attacked the various Blights, then he dropped down on one knee and stood up doing a pose.
"Kaboom!" He clicked his Tonfas with confusion, he then rapidly clicked them as The Blights rushed him before-


Various large balls of fire erupted behind Wukong.
"Whoops." Wukong leapt up, summoning more clones and swarming The Brood Mother attacking from all angles, The Brood Mother spit flames at the clones trying to destroy them. Ibaraki took this time to assess the creature, all bugs have been killed in similar ways in the wild, aiming for the joints. She took out her bow, ignited her hair, heated up the tips of her arrows, took aim, and fired.


"Nice!" Wukong cheered when Ibaraki shot off one of its legs. He ran past and stuck blades into the various joints in the beast's body and then blew it up, jumping back and regrouping as they assessed The Brood Mother. Waiting. Watching. Its body crashed down and it began to flail around, igniting its body and spewing spores out which singed the ground in magma.

"Alright let's fi-oh no!" Ibaraki grabbed Wukong by the tail and threw him aside. The Brood Mother erupted into a full burst of flames, it screeched and erupted firing various fireballs all around, leaving them to watch it.
"I know my fire and those are pretty damn hot...I guess we have to wait it out."

"We can't do that, it'll call more."

"No need to worry about that, we're in the thick of it, remember. All we've gotta do is just handle it here and now."

"Easy to say, never seen so many in a colony before. Must be mating season."


"Ow! Hey! Why'd you hit me?!"

"Because you have a knack for last second information." Ibaraki kept her eyes on The Brood Mother and shot at any Blights coming to its aid.
"So. What's the story huh?"

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