The Theory

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"Where's the rest of you?" Xenthos asked as he reached down and grabbed the boy lifting him up and looking at him, Takata was very short(3 '6) compared to Xenthos(5' 8) and well everyone else in the room. Xenthos looked at the boy and saw five extra tails emerge. Takata stayed held in the air looking at Xenthos as he then looked down toward the ground which was pretty far for him, he then politely asked.

"Can you put me down please, gently due to me not being all that durable. A fall like this would really hurt." Xenthos set Takata down on the desk looking him over, seeming to be quite fond of the boy.

" look like a creep right no-" Ibaraki's face drooped a sigh leaving her mouth.

"Hm? What is it?" Wukong asked as he looked over at her, she took a deep breath and began to explain.

"Xenthos has a sweet spot for innocent looking things, if it wasn't for his body's heightened senses I can say with certainty he would've died years ago due to being lured in by cute animals and spirits that demons used." Ibaraki walks over and shoves Xenthos, snapping him out of his trance.

"Sorry...just...interesting. Are your tails real?" Xenthos asks Takata, Takata nods as he seems confused by Xenthos skiing that question. He stands up and shows his tails swaying and moving. Xenthos looks in awe and then pats Takata on the head, Takata gives him a thumbs up...this is a bit awkward.
"I'm ready to move out."

"You sure that was just about tails, he ain't some creep for ki-Gah!" Before Lee could finish his sentence Xenthos grabbed him by the wrist and began to twist his arm.


"Value your arm? If you do, that sentence won't be fin-" Xenthos watched Lee break free and flip out stretching, Xenthos looked at him.

"Interesting. How'd you do that?"

​​​​​​​"Dislocation, I've got more tricks and you'll see the bad ones if you pull some crap like that again." Lee kicked Xenthos in the chest pushing him back, Xenthos grinned and went to attack Lee and suddenly both he and Lee were swept off their feet and went crashing into the ground groaning.

"I guess you two forgot some of the basic rules of Fiends, one being that Fiends do not fight among one another, they do not endanger each other, and they do not endanger civilians." Utsukushī points to Takata, despite him being relatively safe. Both of them sat up and rubbed their heads looking at Utsukushī who grinned and looked down at them with eyes cold as ice, they looked at each other and stood up.

"Good. Now shake hands and let's be on our way." Lee stuck his hand out and Xenthos shook it, they gave each other a firm grip to insulate this little feud wasn't over. They let each other's hands go and ventured out of the village into the lands. Upon exiting they see barren ground with very few plots of dirt and grass along with very few trees.

"Let us begin." Utsukushī says to her group.

In The Village Ten Minutes After Utsukushī's Group Left The Village

"Oi Scientist, what're you up too?" Konkitsu asked as he walked into the laboratory, upon entering he'd see a green flash of light that then began to change to a blue before it went white, then black and seemed to die.

"Damn it!" She launched the rock and shattered one of her windows angrily, she pouted and leaned back against the table in the middle of her small home.

"Hey watch it, you don't get enough funding from the village executives as is. Can't afford to be breaking windows!" Konkitsu walked over and began to try and fix the windows, he would grab some materials and patch up the hole as best he could so no draft came through.

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