Toni's shift

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Toni's Pov:

"Here" I said as I handed the 40 something year old serpent his usual beer, trying to sound somewhat like those stereotypical bartenders in those shitty romantic getaway films but it came out still as a grumpy one that got stuck with the night shift for the fourth day in a row on a Saturday night when they'd rather be at home catching up on lost sleep.

I looked up at the time and sighed when I realised it had been only about two and a half hours. That means I'm only half way through my shift I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes, putting my attention back onto the next serpent looking for their usual drink.

Costumer after costumer came over and ordered, I made drink after drink, checking the time every so often and getting more annoyed when I realised each time it had only been less than five minutes.

Two hours twenty five minutes till I'm home, two hours twenty minutes till I'm home, two hours fifteen minutes till I'm home, two hours ten minutes till I'm home, two hours five minutes till I'm home, two hours till I'm home, an hour fifty minutes till I'm home.

"Yo Tiny" is what snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Sweetpea.

"My names Toni" I snapped back, I really wasn't in the mood for him to tease me today.

"Woah someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he laughed as he playfully punched my arm.

I just rolled my eyes as I started to wipe the counter top so I'd look busy.

"What's up? Are you not used to being away from your girlfriend for so long" he smirked as he elbowed my arm lightly. "Come on how longs it gonna take you to be able to be apart from her for over four hours? I don't even know what you see in her to be honest she's a-"

"She's a what?!" I half yelled as I cut him of, slamming my fist on the table. I felt anger grow inside of me as I cleaned my fists. I loved Sweetpea and all but right now all I wanted to do was punch him and wipe that smug look off his face.

"I don't know who u think you are, but I'd recommend stepping down off your high horse and stop talking bad about a girl that's went through so much fucking shit and is the strongest person I know-" he looked offended which wasn't what I meant to do but I'm glad I did.
"-yes that includes you, she's a million times stronger than you in every way so if you think you can talk bad about a person who you couldn't last an hour in their shoes your wrong." I whispered to him in what some would say is "whisper yelling".

He just laughed and walked away. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and a massive smile grew on my face when I took it out and saw it was from Cheryl. I know it sounds corny and stupid but that one "how's your shift going" text from her lifted my whole mood.

While I poured drinks I noticed Sweetpea lurking in a corner avoiding eye contact. I debated rather to go over and apologise when my shift was over but decided I wouldn't after all I had done the right thing, maybe not in some peoples perspective but from mine it definitely was.

I'll never let ANYONE talk bad about Cheryl like that no matter who they are..

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