The girl shes still inlove with

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Rain landed hard on her car as Toni was driving home. For her, days were increasingly longer and slower..

She had less and less excitement about work, about the serpents, about Fangs, about everything.. She couldn't shake the feeling it was because she was back, that she somehow did this to her.

Driving on the main road, Toni saw her. Walking down the grey footpath, completely drenched. Bright red hair clinging to her red button up coat, her jeans and boots soaked.

Toni parked outside a store and detached her seatbelt and got out of her car.

"Cheryl!" She called, dashing across the road.

She caught up to her and observed her now saturated body. Her porcelain face was tear stained, makeup running. She saw her and turned around and started walking faster, but Toni was faster and caught back up to her.

"Cher" she begs, grabbing ahold of Cheryl's arm and twisting her to face her.
Her mocha eyes met hers, hasty breathing, themselves just staring at one another.

"Your coming with me." Toni orders, grabbing Cheryl's wet sleeve.

Cheryl didn't protest or cause an argument because she knew she wouldn't win, she just followed her to the passenger seat of her car.


Toni placed a dry towel around Cheryl's body and placed her infront of Thistlehouses fireplace. She went into the kitchen to make her a hot chocolate to warm her up before returning and handing it to her.

"Here" Toni said, placing the mug into her hands.

Cheryl gave her a faint smile, staying silent. Toni hadn't seen her like this in a long time.. so silent and fragile. At the back of her mind she knew she should contact Fangs, tell him she'll be home late, but she couldn't. At this moment her focus was on Cheryl and nobody else.

"Cheryl.." she says, breaking the silence. Toni crouched down in front of the redhead, gently stroking her hair.

"I don't know what happened.." she continues. "But please talk to me"

A tear flows down Cheryl's cheek, as she stays silent. Toni hated seeing her like this, hated how Cheryl could no longer confide in her. She didn't know what to do, and had an urge for answers. Who did this? Why was she like this? Why was she walking in the rain?

"I- I wanted to feel something" Cheryl began explaining, looking at the floor. "Heather broke up with me and I felt numb. Like I couldn't feel anything, emotionless. I know it's stupid but I needed to feel something. Needed the cold rain to drench into my skin and remind me who I was..."

Cheryl's words made Toni's heart hurt, suddenly realising how vulnerable this girl was. Cheryl rarely showed this side of her. Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl's body, now wrapped in a towel. Cheryl's head nestling into her shoulder, mascara staining Toni's shirt.

"Shhh it's okay Cher" Toni assured.

"N-No it's not!" Cheryl argues, lifting her head, her teary eyes meeting Toni's. "Everyone's putting me second choice! My parents, Betty, Heather.. even Fangs made it clear I was your second choice!"

More tears flowed down Cheryl's face, her eyes not meeting Toni's eyes. Toni stood speechless, unsure what to say. How could Cheryl think that? How could Fangs make her think that? How could Cheryl think she'd pick Fangs over the girl she's still inlove with?

And there, she stood. The statement reiterating her mind.

The girl she's still inlove with..

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