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Toni's Pov:

I was laying on my bed with Cheryl cuddling into me while she told me about how horrid her mother was.

"So then she told me that I'd never know love, which I now know was bullshit, and she claimed it was because I was a selfish, emotional, anorexic bitch" Cheryl said causing me to once again be shocked how someone can be this rude to their own daughter.

"What a bitch" I muttered as Cheryl continued on. God whenever Cheryl told me stuff her mother would say or do to her it just angered me inside. All I wanted to do was kill that bitch.

"And then she hit me.. once again calling me a selfish brat that is never capable of love.." Cheryl trailed off as I noticed tears forming in her eyes.

"Cheryl your mother is full of bullshit. You are more than capable of love... I love you Cheryl and I promise you, you are none of those nanes your mother calls you. You are not selfish, you are the most thoughtful person I know. You are not emotional, just because your mother doesn't know what feelings are because she's a heartless bitch doesn't make you emotional. You are not anorexic Cher, it's horrible how she would even have the nerve to call you that after literally staving you. You are not a brat Cher, you are the complete opposite. You have to know your mothers wrong Cheryl" I said as I cupped her face wiping her tears.

"Your.. sensational" I said before kissing her forehead ever so softly.

"I love you so much Toni" Cheryl said as she hid her face in my chest.

"I love you more Cheryl" I said as I hugged into her.

Cheryl deserved a much better childhood and much better parents than she got. Damn it I wish her father shot her mother instead of her brother because she most definitely deserved to die. I hope Penelope gets the most slow and painful death ever to exist to mankind... I know I shouldn't be saying that about my girlfriends mother but fuck it, it's Penelope Blossom we're talking about here.

Cheryl's Pov:

Me and Toni layed there in silence cuddling. Toni always knows how to make me smile even when I really don't feel like it.

God I love that stupid Topaz girl..

Choni one shots ♥️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang