New IG?

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Hi hope everyone is okay.

So since I finish university in two weeks and hopefully will graduate this August. I thought to come back on ig with my imagines for some time.

Not sure if it's gonna be few months, a year or more but just so I can rekindle with BTS as thanks to studying and things going on in my life I kind of stopped listening to them as much and didn't have time to keep up with all their announcements.

It is quite sad since they have played a huge role in my life and i believe yours too. So it's time to become closer with them once again even if I will not write for a long time.

I would just like to write once again for a bit, to open up my artistic side once again.

Im hoping to create new ig maybe by the end of this month, since i still have two weeks left of working and I would like to try and write some new imagines as well as repost my old ones for you.

I hope you all will come and join me on this journey with me. A small adventure, who knows how long it will last.

Sooner to the time I will let you all know what my username will be. All I will say is that I will mainly focus on one member, Jimin as he is my bias.

Please let me know what kind of imagines you'd like to see in the comments and i'll try to write them.

I will try my best to announce me comeback date and username in the next 3 to 4 weeks.

Till next time,

Lots of love,
A xx

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