Magic Practice

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Jamie did not know what to expect from his uncle. He had half the mind to just tell his dad, like ripping off a bandaid, it would be quick and easy. After all Regulus was once a death eater who "died" but now says he was forced to join the dark side. He could be lying. He could be trying to gain his trust then betray him. This was his logical side. The other half was all for giving the man a chance. He felt a strange connection to him. . . He couldn't describe the feeling if he tried. All he knows is that when Regulus is near the man he feels completely understood, as if they were one. Same mind, body, and soul. Like every thought he had, every emotion he ever felt, was not foriegn to the mysterious man. That was his emotional side.

His emotions won.

It was pitch black outside and Jamie was sat on his window seat, looking out at the sky. The moon was covered and so was most of the stars, only a few twinkled here and there.

It was silent so he figured everyone was asleep. Hermione had gone home earlier that day, although Ron decided to stay another night so him and Harry were in Harry's room, both had made sleeping pallets on the floor despite Harry having a bed; apparently Harry had heard that was what the sleep over experience was about and he was never really able to have that experience before so he was living it out now.

A sleek shadow crossed the yard easily catching the teen's attention. Normally Jamie would have been filled with a sense of dread, but he felt that it was Regulus. He couldn't see him clearly but he could sense his magic, it made his skin buzz and head light.

He opened his window with a soft click. The cool summer air rushed over him like gentle waves, the smell of wild flowers made his nose itch.

Regulus was dressed the same as he was the last he saw him, those glinting silver eyes bore into his own, silencing him almost immediately.

"Everyone is asleep."

"How do you know? Watch them through the window?"

Regulus waved for him to follow, turning swiftly on his feet as he sauntered towards the treeline with grace. Jamie frowned and hopped down on the soil, he easily caught up with the man's long strides.

"No." Regulus finally answered as they stepped into the shadows of the trees, his shoulders dropping as he became more comfortable. The shadows must have given him something he had not felt anywhere else. Security. Jamie rose a brow and the older man fidgeted with his hands, avoiding eye contact. "I didn't watch them through their windows. . . The curtains were closed."

Jamie gave a snort and Regulus looked up quickly. "What?"


Regulus eyed him for a moment before entering the woods, his head held high as his eyes whipped left to right. At every little noise Regulus would flinch which he tried hiding but Jamie saw him. His uncle was truly terrified of someone seeing him. . . It must have taken a great deal of courage to come out of the comfort of hiding and face the world true.

For a moment Jamie wonders what exactly happened to the man. He faked his death and disappeared. He had been in hiding for fourteen some years now; where had he been? How has he been able to keep a low profile? How come no one has spotted him or caught on? Was he alone all these years? Regulus said he had been on his own mission, something apparently that Jamie shouldn't worry about. What was he up to?

Regulus came to a sudden stop. He slowly spun on his heels, head tilting as he observed the area. They could no longer see the cottage, the dense trees blanketed them into the night, protecting them from watchful eyes. They were in a small circle clearing, the moss under their feet was soft and had small red flowers sprouting from the merky green. The waning moon was now on display, the clouds having rolled away, pale moonlight washed over them, giving everything an ominous glow. Once Regulus was satisfied he gave himself a nod, muttering something before he turned to face Jamie.

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