I promise

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I woke up and my arm hurt even more than yesterday. I get off my bed and go to my bathroom and unwrap my arm. And rinse the dried up blood off my arm.

I can't wait for this thing to heal.

I quickly get dressed and go to clary's room.

I get to clary's room and knock on the door. "Hey clare!" I then pull her into a hug and I don't think either of us wanted to ever let go.

"I hate to break this nice little re-union we are both having but I have some news."

"Good or bad?"

"Depends. It's bad for me but may not be so bad for you." She looks at me with that confused look when I explained that last part. I close the door so none can hear us or anything and then I tell her.

"So Jace and Alec both know that we went to hotel DuMort."

"Wait,so your telling me with all that sneaking around was for nothing?"

"Yeah exactly! I hurt my arm for nothing!"

"Wait you hurt your arm?"

"Yeah, when I was killing one of the vamps."

I show her because I can already tell that she was going to want to see it so I just go ahead and lift my sleeve up.

When she looks at it she has a look of shock if that's how you would describe it. My arm had a deep cut and it was bruised badly.

"Did you tell anyone about it?!"


"Chloe this looks bad,like bad." She gives me her look of "pity"

"It's fine-sort of. Whatever that's not important right now."

"But how did Jace even find out?"

"Well,he went to your room to talk to you,saw that you weren't there,then went to my room to ask me if I knew where you might have been and that's when he notice that I wasn't in my room either. So he saw your notes and put two and two together and realized that we went to hotel DuMort."

"But that isn't that bad right?"

"I guess not but he told Alec. And we all know how that ended."

"Let me guess. He told Jace how if the clave finds out then-"

"Then youall will be in trouble." Hold up...

"Jace! Have you been here eavesdropping on us this whole time?"

"From the part about you talking about your arm until now.yeah. Oh and you should probably get that looked at.it looks pretty bad."

"Just don't Tell anyone about my arm,ok? Don't need people worry about nothing."

"Ok but if it get serious I'm telling someone." I just roll my eyes.

"Oh and did you need something" clary cuts into our little conversation if you would call it that.

"I was just stopping by."

"Ok well I'm going to leave you two love birds to it." I pat jaces shoulder before getting the dead eye from both Jace and clary then I leave her room.

I was looking for izzy and I went to her room to find that she wasn't there so I went to the training room and there she was. I watched her train and, wow. Who knew she was this good? I waited until  after she was Done to talk to her.

"Hey Chloe, what are you up to"

"Nothing much what about you"

"Training.but other than that nothing much.haven't had any missions to go on lately." When she said the last part she winked at me. Did she know?if she knew she wouldn't care right? And if she knew how did she find out? Did Jace or Alec tell her? Or even clary? A million questions were going through my head.

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