Finding a Safe Place

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It is Korea, 1950, and the personnel of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital is milling around, keeping themselves busy in between sessions in the O.R. 

Captains Trapper John McIntyre and Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce are playing golf when one of Trapper's shots lands in the minefield and blows up.

Hawkeye is bored out of his skull, after a couple of weeks in this hellhole, he was losing himself to dirt, dried blood, and rodents around here. He was starting feeling down, working without accomplishing anything except saving the lives of the soldiers, who in return got sent back to the front to kill some more and to get wounded again.

The busy hours in the O.R seemed to go on forever and when there was nothing to do, the minutes crawled by, being so bored that watching the cockroaches is entertaining. So killing time and killing landmines was a win-win situation.

Hawkeye is just about to start his round of golf, he is trying to outmatch Trapper by hitting the next landmine. Swinging his club he heard Radar calling.

"Attention all personnel, incoming choppers. I repeat, incoming choppers"

Radar acquired his nickname because he was seemingly endowed with ESP, appearing at his CO's side before being called, anticipating his needs, and even finishing his sentences. He also had superhuman hearing, as he was able to hear incoming helicopters before anyone else could.

And incoming choppers meant wounded people, so, playtime was over and surgery began.

Dropping his club, he immediately rushed over for triage, picking the right order for them to be operated on. The people with the most severe wound went first, minor wounds could wait.

He felt so much anger toward the war, every time he saw the wounded, Most of them were just kids, barely 18 years old, and they shouldn't be killed or be killed at al. Their families wanted them home, and it was killing Hawkeye to see them hurt or worse, to see Dead win sometimes.

Everyone rushed to the chopper pad and started to get the wounded inside the O.R. Each person has his function and purpose, working like a well-oiled machine together.

Two more busses rode in after the choppers, this was usually the case. A lot of people got hurt in wartime, not just the soldiers but civilian people just as much.

This time however it was a group of soldiers from the front, there is a battle going on trying to siege a bridge. Not that Hawkeye cared about some bridge, he thought the whole war was one tremendous waste of time and lives. He didn't become a doctor for this useless violence. But here he was, patching kids back together.

He rushed to the first bus to start triage. The first man he checked was already dead so he put a tag and moved on. 

He couldn't afford to get sad or angry, he was needed right now and people were dying. Even though it killed him a little every time.

The next guy is more in shock than hurt, he only got a wound on his shoulder. 

“You're going to be fine, I will personally hand you, your private nurse and everything" Hawkeye got a shaking smile for that one, and that made him a bit happy, trying to make the soldier and himself forget just for a couple of seconds where they are. 

He handed the guy over to the nearest nurse giving his instruction to have him seated. He needed to wait till the severe causes were helped.

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