Hello Tokyo

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Hawkeye didn't know how Radar managed to swipe a three-day pass from Frank but he was very grateful for the smaller man as he was packing his bag. That little guy could get anyone anything they wanted, it amazed him sometimes.

Chris seemed excited as well but he had a few mixed feelings about leaving the unit, even if it was only for a few days. Henry's death had scared the boy a lot, but Hawkeye was sure that this trip would help with that.

His son had a neatly organized suitcase ready, while Hawkeye just dropped some stuff into his duffel bag.

He got a slightly irritated look from the boy as he threw his Hawaiian shirts unorganized in the bag. It was unbelievable that Chris was so neat with his stuff, but maybe that's because he has so little and wasn't used to having stuff in the first place. Hawkeye chuckled at the child's expression before sticking out his tongue.

Chris got a big smile, the child knew that his dad was just being silly if he did that. It startled him the first time, but after he remembered a bit from his earlier life, he remembered stuff like that as well. And his dad did that quite often.

Chris gave Trapper and Radar a big hug but he still cried a little as they drove off. The drive over there was uneventful, with not many explosives going on in the background. and that was the way Hawkeye wanted it.

They arrived in the very busy and colorful city, Chris seemed almost panicked by that many people, but the lights and colors did their work distracting the child a bit. Hawkeye held him close, of course, but Chris still seemed scared as he took in the sight.

He had made a deal with Chris, the first two whole days they will spend together but on the third day, Hawkeye wanted the night for him alone. Chris understood but didn't like it much. Hawkeye always showed him which room he would want his privacy in, as he always stayed close to the room Chris was staying in.

His dad mostly stayed away for a couple of hours and always came back, but the child disliked being alone in a hotel room. Sometimes he would just sit outside the room his dad was in but made sure not to hear anything, he didn't like those weird sounds.

Getting in and out of his room wasn't a problem and he often went a couple of times a night to sit outside where Hawkeye was, and the other times he watched Korean cartoons or read a little bit.

It was around noon when they arrived at their destination, and Hawkeye carried their bags inside a small local hotel; he rented their room. They only had a room with one big bed available, but that didn't matter much.

After they dropped off their bags, they went to eat lunch. They found a small place, which wasn't that crowded with people. Hawkeye always tried to help Chris with that, the child wasn't used to that many people. And a panic attack was not something the doctor wanted for his son, these days were for R&R, not only for him but for Chris also.

He had Chris tell the man in the food stall, himself what he wanted to eat, and the nervous boy did great! He made Hawkeye very proud even if he needed a couple of tries to get it right. Thankfully the man seemed to understand and waited patiently as the boy stammering finished his sentence.

They took their food and found some quiet place to sit outside.

As they were eating Hawkeye taught his son the game of people-watching. Chris was amazed and delighted by that and he happily helped his dad with imagining different life stories about the people they saw. His kid had the most amazing imagination.

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