Dance Practice

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"Step one... two... thre- Spongebob! That's all wrong!" Squidward placed his hands on his hips and glared at the small sponge who had tumbled onto the ground... Squidward was trying to 'teach' Spongebob his dance moves... although the dance moves that Squidward wanted him to do were a bit complicated for the sponge.

"I'm sorry Squidward... I'm really trying!" Spongebob got back up to his feet and dusted himself off.

"Well, TRY HARDER!" Squidward snapped, causing Spongebob to slouch his shoulders back in an anxious way.

Squidward took a sharp deep breath.

"I'm... sorry, for yelling, just... follow the routine." Squidward sighed.

Spongebob fiddled with his fingers and looked down at the floor.

"Could we possibly try more... Easier dances?"

Squidward let out a huff and crossed his arms as he thought for a moment.
"Look, just, follow my lead... we'll try it together..." Squidward let out his hand for Spongebob to take.

The sponge's lips part and his eyes sparkle as he grabs Squidward's hand, before he knew it he was pulled close to Squidward's chest, Spongebob could feel his whole body melting, Squidward dug his arm under Spongebob's arm then against his hip while the other slipped into his hand.

Spongebob gazes desperately into Squidwards eyes as he waits for the next instruction.

"Okay... place your hands on my chest and follow my steps..." Squidward ordered.

Spongebob hesitated for a moment before slipping both hands on Squidward's chest as asked... once again they stepped, one, two, three and again... slowly but successfully they were dancing together.

"You're doing it Spongebob!" Squidward exclaimed.

"I am?" Spongebob asked excitedly.

Spongebob's eyes lit up brightly as he stared helplessly into Squidward's eyes. The pod couldn't help but let a smile reach his lips... he also had his cheeks painted slightly with blush, his heart clearly racing as Spongebob continued to stare, he realised how idiotic he was being and the smile quickly dropped... the blush remained. Squidward looked off awkwardly to the side, he refused to allow himself to fall for such a child! He can't allow these feelings for Spongebob to continue any more, they were silly and wrong! Squidward has always wanted someone perfect like himself...not an idiot buffoon like Spongebob! But then... Why was he suddenly feeling so weird towards the little guy?

Squidward departed from the dance letting his hands fall to his side, Spongebob still had his hands against Squidward's chest. The pod grabbed his hands and pulled them off him grumpily.

"Did I do something wrong?" Spongebob asked in a panic.

Squidward cleared his throat and stretched.

"You did fine, it's good to take breaks, that is all." Squidward spoke quickly and sternly.

Spongebob nodded and smiled up at Squidward.

"Thanks for teaching me this Squidward... it means a lot..." Spongebob shyly spoke.

Squidward grumbled. "Whatever" he turned away and toward the kitchen, Spongebob followed curiously behind. Squidward could hear his squeaky shoes as he followed, he just allowed it, rolling his eyes a little.

"Squid? What ya doing?" Spongebob asks.

"Making a smoothie." Squidward opens his fridge and takes out some berries.

"Oooh! Can I have one! Actually! I could make us one- I promise i'm really good-" Spongebob gets cut off.

"No. You aren't touching my blender. I'll make it, go back to the lounge and behave." Squidward snaps.

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