No keys

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Throughout the day everything seemed fine... Squidward took orders and Spongebob made the patties, the usual day for the both of them at work, luckily for Squidward he hadn't had much interaction with the sponge since the morning, he was starting to feel confident that maybe that dream wasn't to do with his inner feelings for the sponge or anything as such... he had been able to avoid Spongebob all day and he was feeling great! Why would he like Spongebob? See! He totally doesn't! Well at least that is what he had himself thinking.

It was close to closing time for the Krusty Krab, Spongebob was finishing off by cleaning the grill, he could hear the pod packing up his station and preparing to leave for the night- The sponge really wanted to walk home with Squidward today so he quickly scrubbed the grill as fast as he could before tossing the cloth into the wash basket. He slams the door open and zooms up behind Squidward who had just reached the door. Squidward let out a loud sigh as he heard the all familiar squeaky noise of the sponges shoes. He rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, he shook his head and simply pushed the door open- with no hesitation he slammed it in Spongebob's face causing the sponge to squish up against the glass.

"Squidward wait!" The sponge called out as he swung open the door, he quickly sped up so he matched Squidward's walking speed. He looked up at his co-worker with a goofy grin. Squidward tried avoiding eye contact with the idiot. They walked along the path they took to get to their house, Spongebob hummed as he walked and kept his eyes up on the blue octopus. It was quite silent between the two on their little walk home. Spongebob may be loud a lot of the time but the quiet is nice too! Especially when he is close to his best buddy Squidward! The sun was starting to set in Bikini Bottom, the sky was a mixture of orange and purple... it shimmered down giving the sponge a small glow in its vibrant yellow colour. Squidward had done a pretty good job avoiding eye contact with the sponge until the bright sun burned his eyes, he glanced down at Spongebob then quickly looked away as he felt his own cheeks heat up bright. Spongebob looked so adorable... he had a sweet content smile on his lips, his big blue eyes were shimmering gorgeously... the orange blaze of the sun mixed perfectly with his skin and made his adorable little freckles pop! Squidward couldn't bear to stare at the sponge any longer- he was starting to feel sick in his stomach from all these weird feelings... he was sure he'd gotten over them! Oh boy was he wrong!

They were approaching their houses, thank Neptune for that! Squidward picked up his pace and raced to his house. He pushes his hands in his pockets only to discover he didn't have his keys- a cold sweat dripped down his forehead as he searched himself for his keys, he was freaking out! He couldn't have forgotten them at work could he? Even if he did, to go all the way back now? Krabs would have locked up for the night! Squidward groaned and slammed his head against his door in defeat as Spongebob watched from the front of his porch.

"Squidward? What's wrong!"

The sponge called to Squidward, but he didn't answer and just continued to slam his head against his front door, he had no expression on his face, he looked bland, he looked done with everything. Spongebob nervously walked over to Squidward's porch and looked up at him with anxious eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Spongebob asked shyly.

Squidward groaned, head still against the door.

"No Spongebob, everything is NOT alright! I left my keys at work."

Spongebob gasped, he frowned at the pod and placed a hand against Squidward's back in a soothing way, although Squidward shoved Spongebob away and growled.

"Don't. Touch. Me." he hissed.

Spongebob let out a nervous squeak and quickly nodded as he stepped back.

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