I can't take this anymore!

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Chapter 11 I can't take this anymore!

Squidward anxiously froze in his spot and proceeded to slowly turn his head, his shoulders raised high as he stared down at his little yellow co-worker.

"Y-Yes...?" Squidward anxiously answered.

Spongebob let out a sweet purr as he swung on his heels, eyeing down his dear friend.

"Ohh just getting one last look at you before we get back to work~" Spongebob teased flirtatiously.

This caused Squidward's whole face to turn a dark shade of red, his body shuttered and lips parted, he just stood and stared at Spongebob, stuck in place, helpless.

Spongebob placed his hands on his hips, a smirk came to his lips, he stared back at Squidward with a more tense, lustful look. The taller co-worker slowly backed to the door laughing nervously.

"Uhm..." He could barely speak, his knees were weak and chest hurting.

Spongebob took a step closer, he looked up at Squidward, his big blue eyes sparkling brightly with a begging trance in them. Squidward's breath was hitched yet you could hear his heart thumping like crazy in his chest.

Spongebob slyly moved his hand against Squid's chest and pushed himself closer to the other, he could feel his heart... It was exhilarating to make Squidward feel like this... to see him this adorable... flustered and needy! Spongebob stood up on his tippy toes and leaned in, he swirled his finger on the other's chest, his own breath shaky now. Squidward's pupils were dilating like crazy, he lowered his hands slyly and placed them against Spongebob's hips. He couldn't take this anymore! Spongebob looked so needy, so desperate... Squidward was under his spell and there was no going back.

Spongebob shifted his eyes anxiously away... he looked down to the side growing suddenly extremely nervous, Squidward slipped one hand under his chin and tilted his head upwards, he then leaned in, they were dangerously close now. Spongebob's breathing became heavy, his eyes flickered closed as he moved in closing the space between them. Squidward's eyes shot wide open, he blinked a few times and stared down at Spongebob trying to process what was actually happening. In a panic he shoves the yellow sponge off him.

"S-Spongebob! What are you doing!?" Squidward snapped.

"I-I was doing what you were doing!" Spongebob squeaked nervously.

Squidward took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, he couldn't believe he and Spongebob kissed yet again! He didn't know how he was going to get out of this, he felt so stuck. He was falling for his annoying little neighbour and hated it... yet... loved it?

Squidward looked out the small serving window then back at Spongebob. He couldn't believe what he was about to do... The cephalopod pulls the window curtain and grabs Spongebob's hand aggressively. He tugs him into the back storage room and slams him against a wall. He smashes his lips against Spongebobs and grips onto his hips pulling him close.

Spongebob let out a desperate squeal, his body trembling- face dark red and body weak... he was feeling a new feeling, a feeling he had never felt before... his stomach was in complete knots, his chest was aching and body tingling... he melts into Squidward's kiss and allows him to control him in any way he wishes. Squidward bit down on Spongebob's lip causing the Sponge to yelp, he was new to all this, he had no idea what he was doing or what he should be doing! The sponge quickly pushed Squidward off in an anxious manner.

Squidward panted and leaned his head against Spongebob's as he stared into his big blue nervous eyes.

"Wh...What... are we doing... a-and why does it feel so good..." Spongebob muttered out between breaths.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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