Squidward's Dream

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It was a few hours later, Squidward had finished his masterpiece! It was around 7pm, there was work tomorrow and the octopus was extremely exhausted after today. He stretched his arms back and let out a small yawn before tiredly making his way to his room to get into his nightgown and sleeping cap. Squid got changed and slipped into bed, he felt his bones aching a little, he laid his head back onto the pillow and pulled up his duvet covers. Soon he peacefully fell into a deep sleep.


~ Squidward's Dreams ~

Squidward felt the closeness of the small yellow sponge, he was held up close to his chest staring into his eyes with those big blue crystal shines... his small yellow hands resting against his chest, Squid's breath was hitched and shaky... his heart racing as he desperately peered down at the little needy sponge. Squidward slid his hands on the sponge's waist and pulled him close, the both of them only inches away from each other. The sponge was glowing orange on the cheeks... he looked so needy for the other. Squid whined and felt himself growing closer to the other, he felt the breath of the other against his neck. Spongebob gripped his shirt pulling him in, Squidward yelped as their lips smashed together... Squid kissed Spongebob softly, enjoying every moment of it... it felt so real...

Suddenly Squidward shot up in his bed in a sweaty mess. He gasped and put a hand to his chest, his heart was racing he could hardly breathe! He shook his head aggressively trying to process what he had just dreamt, he felt like he was going utterly insane! Squidward pulled his cap off and started pulling and twisting it like a stress toy, he was shaking, he felt as though he might puke! The poor guy felt so weak... he didn't know how to process his feelings right now! He was a mix of flustered and confused... he had never had a dream of the sponge like that, he had never even pictured himself to be like that with his co worker, why so suddenly has these feelings been tugging at him and especially in his beauty sleep of all places! Squidward slips from his bed and starts pacing back and forth in his room trying to process everything going on, he felt like he was going to collapse, he didn't understand these feelings! His heart racing, his chest hurt so bad... he couldn't get that stupid sponge out of his brain! He takes a seat on his bed and tries to reevaluate everything going on in his mind, he tries to concentrate and work out what was happening. Squidward's face had turned a bright red by now, he sat silently as he thought to himself trying to work out what all of this could mean! The octopus was coming to a conclusion that he possibly had feelings for Spongebob! But why?! Out of all people why that annoying, childish buffoon! Squidward couldn't believe himself, he felt disgusted... he went from handsome, talented, ignorant Squilliam... to a small annoying, childish yet kind and loving sponge, what made these feelings come about? Squidward shook his head and bashed his hands into his head trying to get all these thoughts out of his brain, yet he couldn't.

"I like... Spongebob..." He muttered under his breath as he rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

"But why? Why Squiddy?! Why do you have feelings for that little nuisance in your life! All he does is make things harder for you! You can't fall for an idiot like that! You are so much better..." Squidward told himself.

"Oh but he is so... cute, kind... funny- No! No, no, no! What is wrong with me?! I need to stop feeling this way..." Squidward laid back down and let out a desperate sigh.

"I just... I just need to avoid him a little. If I clear my mind it should all be okay... heh right... right... I'll just go back to sleep..." Squidward pulled the duvet backup and closed his eyes to try and go back to sleep.

Soon enough, morning came. Squidward awoke from his beauty sleep with a loud groan, he moves an arm behind his back and cracks it slightly before sitting up and yawning. his thoughts from the night before came back to his mind. He rubbed his eyes and slipped from bed. He changed into his plain brown shirt and grabbed his work hat from the hook. He had no appetite, he skipped breakfast and headed out. He couldn't get the sponge out of his mind... every time he'd try to think of something else he could just picture that goofy smile plastered over a thought. Squidward shook his head and tried staying focused. He made his way to work, Spongebob obviously already there, he was standing with Krabs speaking to him about something.

Squidward took a deep breath before pushing the door open. He had his resting face on.

"morning... " he grumbled tiredly.

The electric sponge jumped excitedly and ran over to Squidward with a huge grin.

"Heyy Squiddy~" the sponge cooed.

Squidward felt his face growing hot, he cleared his throat and quickly covered his face with his hand.

"Don't call me that." he snapped before pushing past spongebob and to his station.

Spongebob simply grinned and let out a small sweet giggle.

"Mr Squidward! Ye have to help the boy in the storage room before we open! We need to get some more ingredients! He'll need help reaching the high shelves and carrying the boxes." *Mr Krabs spoke.*

Squidward groaned, of course he couldn't get away from spongebob. He rubbed his neck feeling a sharp pain at the back, he looked down at the bouncy sponge with a sigh, as quick as they get this over with the sooner he can escape back to his position and stay away from the sponge.

"Whatever... let's go." he silently made his way to the storage room allowing Spongebob to follow along behind him, Squidward tries to remain calm. They enter the storage room.

"Hey Squiddy you doin anything tonight?" The sponge grinned happily.

Squidward felt his breath hitch for a moment.

"Yes." he simply answered before grabbing a ladder and placing it beside the shelves.

"Here, just climb up, grab a box and pass it down to me." squid tells him.

Spongebob gives a thumbs up and nervously steps onto the first step.

"Uh... Squidward..." he shyly spoke.

"Can you hold me..." He pouts.

Squidward's face glows red, he gulps and quickly shakes his head.

"F-Fine." Squidward took a step closer to the smaller co-worker, he let out a deep breath before gently placing his hands to his waist. Spongebob hummed as he slowly stood up onto the ladder and grabbed the box, he then stepped down.


"Thanks Squiddy~" Sponge coed, regardless if Squidward hated the nickname or not, the Sponge adored calling him that!

Squidward grumbled, his cheeks bright, he moves a hand to cover his cheeks and shakes his head as he starts to walk off back to his station, the sponge follows behind him, merely just the sound of the squeaky shoes behind him made him shiver, every thought of the sponge brought him back to that dream... he hated these feelings he was getting, why was he even getting them? Why now!? It had been years with this yellow idiot and he'd avoided feeling that way for this long, why all of a sudden did he feel so connected to the Sponge?

"Squidward? Are you okay? You seem off?" The sponge poked him, Squidward was so caught up in his thought he hadn't realised he had just froze in place for a moment. The pod shook his head vigorously to snap back to reality then looked down at his small coworker.

"I-I'm fine Spongebob..."

Squidward quickly walked off, he felt so weak every time he heard the sponge speak, he needed to stay away from him for a little, maybe he is just going insane... he can't actually have feelings for Spongebob!

Squidward slumped into his boat and rubbed his temple trying to relax and get all these thoughts to leave his mind, as for Spongebob he went into the back room with the box to start cooking up some patties.

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