Eight - Uh, Excuse Me? ✔️

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Hey Carrington. I'm glad you called."
God, how I've missed the sound of his voice. There is just something about the sound of his voice that instantly calms me.

But tonight there is something else, something that lies just beneath the surface, almost a hesitation, but I just can't seem to place what it is.

"Yeah, I got your message; you said you needed to talk to me about something?"
I try to get to the point, and as much as I love talking to him again, it is equally hard.

It is hard not to just burst out and tell him exactly what Jolie is up to and all of the lies she has told him about me. The things she has led him to believe.

Plus, the fact that she is screwing around on him every chance she gets, not that they seem to have much of a sex life, contrary to what Jo would have everyone believe, makes it hard not to open my mouth and go on a long-winded rant about everything my "perfect" sister has done and is continuing to do.

But I refrain. 

Waiting as patiently as I can for him to tell me what is so damn important.

"Um, well, Carrington, I guess there is no easy way to say this, but I didn't want you to hear it from anyone but me." He says taking a deep breath.

"What?" I ask uncomfortably. My heart is pounding in my chest, knowing that whatever he is about to say can't be good; otherwise, it wouldn't matter who it came from.

"Jolie and I are going to get married."

The room spins around me. Surely he didn't just say what I thought he did.

They had only been together for a few months, and still, there was nothing to indicate that they were on the verge of marriage.

Nothing close.




My Colton, marrying my sister?


This can't be happening.

"What was that?" I say knowing I must have misunderstood. I had to.

There is no way they are actually getting married. There is just no way!

"I said, Jolie and I are planning on getting married." He repeats.

Son of a fucking...

"Oh." I manage to say it, trying to keep my voice as level as I can. "It's a bit soon, don't you think?" I try to clear the lump in my throat. My response is the best that I can muster at the moment.

"Well, yeah, but I guess when you know, you know, and Jo is very persistent." He laughs a bit uncomfortably.

"Oh, I'm sure she is." I mumble under my breath.

"So, I just wanted you to hear it from me first." He says letting his voice trail off.

"Um. Thanks. I, um, appreciate you being the one to let me know." I am struggling to find my words.

There are no words.

"Oh, and Carrington?"


"We would both love it if you could be part of our big day. Jolie has basically insisted that you be her maid of honor."


"Carrington, are you still there?"

"Um, yeah. Just, um, taking it all in." I say nervously laughing. "I mean, it's such great news." I feel bile rising in my throat, anger coursing its way through my veins. "I'm just so happy for you all. I really don't know what to say." The last bit a complete truth.

"I knew you would be Carebear." He says it, and I can hear the relief in his voice.

There is no doubt that Jolie has told him I would probably go off the deep end when they told me the news.

Honestly, I am glad that he was the one who told me. If I had heard it from her, well, I don't think I would have been able to hide my emotions. Fuck that, I definitely wouldn't have been able to hide my emotions, but I can think of a few good places to hide her body...

"So, congratulations on the new place!" He says excitedly, thankfully changing the subject to something a bit easier for me to respond to.

"Thanks. I will have to invite you and Jolie over one night to celebrate once I get settled in." I swallow back the lump in my throat at the thought.

"Oh, that would be amazing!" 

"Yes, yes, it would be absolutely amazing."


His words play on repeat in my head all night as I toss and turn, restless.


To her.



I have to do something.

Think of something fast.

Some way to get them apart.

Somehow to get them to break up.

Get him to leave her.

Get her to leave him.

Oh hell, who am I kidding? She would never leave him.

Not as long as she thinks I want him.

I need to get him to leave her.

Get him to see what kind of person she really is.

But how?

This news has thrown a wrench into my whole plan.

I will get them apart.

One way or another


Colton Beckham.




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