Fifty-Three - Frantic Call From Steve ✔️

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I don't bother responding to the messages, and we don't let it stop us from continuing our search for Jo.

We have looked all day and found nothing. Nothing at all has turned up.

The only real information that we have been able to gather is that she quit her job at the strip club more than a month ago.

The information is a bit odd because I knew that she had been there since then, but it still doesn't get us any closer than we were before to finding her.

Colton asks me to stay with him tonight since we will be going together in the morning to speak to my parents and then to the police to file the report, so I agree.

It is weird being here overnight with the way things are.

I keep expecting Jolie to pop in at any moment.

I am to the point that I am actually starting to feel somewhat bad for her.

As much shit as she has put me through and as much of a hell as she has made my life, she is still my sister, and the thought that someone other than me may have done something to her just doesn't sit well with me.

"Penny for your thoughts." Colton says handing me a freshly brewed cup of tea.

"Just thinking about Jo. Wondering where the hell she is or what has happened to her."
I say blowing across the top of my steaming cup.

"I know what you mean; your sister has done a lot of terrible things, but this isn't like her; something is going on. Whatever it is, we will get to the bottom of it." He says smiling at me reassuringly.

"I just wish there was some way to know if she was okay or not. Wherever she is, just knowing she is alive and hiding out of her own free will would be enough."

My phone starts vibrating across the table.

"I wonder who that is." I say sitting down my cup.

I look down at my phone and see that it's Steve calling from his cell.

What the hell is he doing calling so late? I look at Colton and give him a confused expression.

"It's Steve." I say holding the still vibrating phone in my hand.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" He asks nodding towards the phone.

As soon as I answer, the line goes dead.
I call him straight back, and he answers before the first ring finishes.

"Carrington?" He asks his voice almost panicked.
"Where are you? Are you with Colton? Are you okay? Is he okay?"

He asks firing off questions so fast that I don't even have a chance to respond.

"Hey Steve, it's me. What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's your sister." He says breathing heavily.


Yeah, Jolie is the only sister I have, but why would she be there? With him?

My heart begins to race.

"Yeah, she was just here." He takes a deep breath.

"What?" I ask forming the only word I can muster.

"Jolie, she was just here at the hospital."

"What's wrong?" Colton asks beside me.

I shake my head, not yet knowing.

"Steve, I'm going to put you on speaker. Colton is here with me."

"Yeah, that's fine." He sounds like he wants me to hurry up so he can finally tell me what's going on.

"Ok, Steve, what is it?" Colton asks already worried.

"Jolie, she just left the hospital. She came to see me."

"Why, what did she want?"

"That's not what's important right now.  Are you all somewhere safe?"

"We are at my house." Colton answers taking my hand.

"No, no, you all need to leave. Now." He says his voice even more urgent than before.

"Why?" I ask "What did she do? She didn't hurt you again, did she?"

"No, no, she didn't hurt me; she actually came here because she wanted to apologize to me, but, she's not right, Carrington. Something is seriously wrong with her."

"Wrong? What do you mean?"
"If you all would just let me...ugh,"

"Go, go ahead; we will be quiet. We are listening." I say my heart racing.

"She's, she is out of her head. I thought she was drunk or high on something at first, but no, she's lost it—not like normal lost it, I mean really lost it. She kept repeating herself, talking in circles. It took me a few minutes to realize that she wasn't even talking to me. Just to herself."

"What was she saying, Steve?" Colt asks staring down at the phone.

"She said she was coming after Carrington. That she was finally going to take her out. Get revenge on her for taking everything away from her."

Other than Colton, I don't know of anything I have ever taken from her.

"She's been missing for almost two weeks; we were planning on going to talk to the police in the morning." I say trying to make sense of it all.

"Well, I have no idea where she's been or why she is back, but you need to get out of there and call the police now. She's dangerous, whatever is going on with her. She has fucking snapped."

"Ok, we are going. We will call you when we get somewhere safe." Colton says already getting up.
"Just make sure to let us know if she comes back there."

"I will. Now go. Call me as soon as you can."
He says hanging up.

Colton looks at me, his eyes wide and serious.
"Come on, we're leaving." He pulls me up from the table to my feet.

We head for the door, not bothering to grab anything, just trying to get out of there as fast as we can.

Then there is a sound towards the back of the house that stops us dead in our tracks...

The sound of a gun and glass breaking.

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