Nine - "Lasagna, Carrie? Really?" ✔️

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"Thank you so much for inviting us over." Jolie says being sure to run her hands over Colton's shoulders. Bending down to gently kiss his neck while she casts her eyes at me to be sure I'm watching.

"No problem sis. I'm more than happy to cook for you two. And besides I couldn't let your alls engagement go uncelebrated." I say with a smile.

"Well, I have to say Carrington it all looks and smells delicious." Colton says looking at his plate.

"It's my own recipe." I say putting a portion onto Jo's plate. "I really hope you enjoy it. I know lasagna is Jolie's favorite." I say looking at her, while she tries not to gag.

Jolie hates lasagna, probably worse than anything else in the world, as far as foods go.

Mom quit fixing it ages ago because everytime she would, Jolie would make a big fuss about how disgusting it was to even look at.

Of course I know this, which is precisely why I made it.

There is no way she was going to cause a scene in front of Colton, I sit back in my chair taking a huge bite myself and watch the scene unfold before me. 

Jolie carefully cuts her piece, struggling to take even the tiniest of bites.

Colton looks over at her a huge satisfied smile on his face as he  takes a huge mouthful of his own, clearly enjoying it.

She gives him an uncomfortable half grin pretending to like it.

"What's wrong Jo?" I ask faking concern. "You don't look well."

"Oh, uhm, I'm fine." She says her breathing getting heavier, small beads of sweat breaking out across her forehead.

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at how tore up she is getting over a slice of lasagna.

She looks at me, staring holes straight through me.

If looks could kill I would be dead ten times over.

"Oh this is so good." I say practically moaning as a take another bite. "So cheesy. " I say making sure the cheese strings down off of my fork.

"You know she's right Jo, you don't look so hot." Colton says covering his still full mouth with his hand that is holding his fork.

"I'm - I-- if you'll just excuse me." She says covering her mouth making a mad dash towards the bathroom.

"Wonder what's wrong with her?" Colton asks looking at me.

"Not a clue." I say shrugging my shoulders taking another bite, fighting off a smile.


"You fucking bitch! You did that shit on purpose!" 

"Well, hello to you too." I say into the phone.

"Lasagna, Carrie? Really?"

"You know this is the first time you've ever called me." I say completely ignoring her tirade.

"I can't believe you would do something so, so..."

"So what? So much like you?" I ask.
"I did learn from the best after all."

"Just wait Carrie, payback is a bitch. I will get you back for this."

"Give Colton my love, and Jolie? Remember we are only getting started."
I say ending the call.











I know this was a super short chapter but don't worry this is the point in the story where things start getting more intense, therefore chapter length will be longer.

I hope you are enjoying the book so far.

Let me know in the comments what you think.


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