chapter 4

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hi! i'm so bored right now, and I remembered that i'm the one writing this. I only thought that because I literally read the chapters 2 times after posting it. enjoy or i'll raid your pantry!!

george became a more flustered at these words. "what?" he said out of confusion. sapnap continued to laugh like a maniac and fell back in his chair. dream had a sly smirk on his face, as if he was trying to make george into a tomato.

out of embarrassment, he ran into the house, slamming the door. george was so angry, but hearing those words from dream, was like a kid getting a puppy for christmas.

he flopped down onto the couch, and patches came and snuggled up to him. george was surprised, he normally didn't get this treatment from patches, but he didn't mind. 


george dozed off to sleep after a while, still snuggling with patches.

dream and sapnap soon came in the house after the fireworks were over.

                                                                     ------dream's pov------

dream walked in with sapnap, who was still laughing from the entire conversation. (if you would even call that a conversation)

dream quickly shushed sapnap when he noticed george sleeping on the couch with patches.

he couldn't be more in love with george.

the possibilities of patches sleeping with george, were the chances of dream asking george on a date. so simple-minded dream, knew this was a sign to ask him out on a date.

sapnap, who was trying to get dream's attention while he dozed off into fantasy land, was snapping his fingers in front of dream's face rapidly. "DREEAAMMM??? HELLLOOOO????" sapnap constantly said. (FLASHBACKS TO THE CRISSY CRUMPLE, "CRISSY WAKE UPPP!!!! i DON'T LIKE THIS!!")

when dream finally got snapped out of his george-world, he looked around, as if he just got back from another dimension.

                                                                -----back to george's pov----- 

george woke up from all the yelling soon after, clearly annoyed.

"shut up" he mumbled, putting patches down and getting up from the couch. george walked over to them, with a messy bedhead.

"oh, sorry. umm, george, could I talk to you for a second?" dream said, staring at george's chocolate colored eyes.

dream and george walked into a spot under the stairs, when they noticed sapnap was following them. they both gave sapnap a 'look', and sapnap immediately walked away.

"so did you need something?" george said, turning back to dream.

"uh yeah actually," dream said nervously.

"would you like to, maybe, go out with me?" 

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