#6 Telling the Boys

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Ashton: You and Ashton knew you had to tell the boys sooner rather than later, but you had to find the perfect way to do it. You both knew if you can up with a creative way the boys wouldnt understand so you had to be creative but simple at the same time.

You desided to go with Ash to one of the band meeting with manegment, you hugged the boy hello and they hugged back, they noticed that you werent hugginh then as you usually would (you backed off a little because of the baby) and Calum pulled you aside and asked if you were okay because he knews you wouldnt back off incase something was wrong.

You told him that you were Pregnant and he nearly tackled you in excitment but before he could Ashton yelled "CALUM HOOD DONT TACKLE MY PREGNANT WIFE!" and before he realised what he had said Michael and Luke tackled him and congrajutated him and all Calum said poking his tongue was "I knew before you losers did!"

Calum: You and Calum were meeting the boys for lunch and you both decided the way to tell them was to just slip the Ultrasound Picture out and see if they realised what it is.

"Hey boys, I want to show you this photo i had taked a couple days ago and get your opinion on it. is that okay?", "Yeah that's fine (y/n)" Luke said with a smile. You looked at Calum before passing it to him, "cute (y/n)", "thanks Calum" you said while giving him a cheeky smile and wink, Cal passed it to Luke and he screamed and high fived Cal, you had put your finger to your lip to simbolize for him to not say that you were pregnant yet, Luke passed it to Michael and Ashton and they bassically screamed in unison "MY BEST FRIEND I HAVING A BABY!!!" and the whole cafe must have heard because they all clapped and congrajutaed you.

Luke: Luke had been so proud that he was going to be a dad he took a photo of your ultrasound and set it as his lockscreen and homescreen. Him and the boys were practicing one day when he just put his phone and picked up the guitar and did his majic, totally forgetting about the locksreen photo Cal asked "Luke, mate whats the time?", "no idea mate, check my phone.".Calum screamed and for a second you had no idea why... and then it clicked, and then Calum, being Calum yelled it to the other boys....

you had to go home early from that band practice because you were in alot of pain from being tackled by your three best mates.

Michael: You loved the idea of you being pregnant so you always had a copy of your ultrasound and Michael always had his copy in his wallet.

You and the boys desided to go to the movies this afternoon, you are ready to enter the movie theatre when you trips and the contents of your bag spilling everywhere, including your ultrasound photo.

The boys quickly help to pick all your stuff up, but without realising Ashton picked up the ultrasound photo and nearly tackled you but realised he shouldn't so he tackled Michael instead, the boys asked what was going on and you just said I'm pregnant and then Calum and Luke joined the dog pile on top of Michael.


Tumblr - http://basicallyamnesia.tumblr.com/post/117674312725/6-telling-the-boys

thanks for reading guys, love you all!

Edyn xx

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