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Chapter 6: Mutual Understanding

What does "mutual understanding" mean to you?

It's necessary, right?

This matters a lot.

Having a mutual understanding of what you need is a big achievement in life, particularly if you had that towards the one that you love.

Mutual interaction is necessary for building trust between you two. It involves more than just talking to someone you like. There has to be a difference or something novel that you can use to satisfy yourself that all the things you guys did with sympathy or faith had a meaning.

Mutual understanding and getting to know one another are different.

You two start asking each other some not-so-deep questions as you get to know one another.

Mutual understanding is the stage when there is some degree of trust between the two of you and you begin to open up about aspects of your life that are outside of your comfort zone since you may really like that person and feel a deep sense of mutual attraction.

You may both sense it and see it.

This mutual understanding thing is a stage in loving someone that you have to go through to see if you can truly believe and trust them.

Mutual affection.

Mutual understanding is important to me. I have that with Sebastian. I began to see the situation, understand things gradually, and begin to trust him again since I love him after I confessed and forgave him.

It's not because I'm 'marupok'. Sometimes being 'marupok' is fine if you really saw the potential of that person, if he really is regretting what he did, it depends. But if that person is just like, acting or something that's not acceptable for you, then accept the reality and don't be 'marupok' this time. Sometimes we need to listen to our friends.

He shows me that he truly regrets what he did, and it would be okay if I gave him another opportunity. I could tell that Sebastian and I had feelings for one another.

This is the understanding I've been seeking, and God has finally granted it to me.

We're going to turn this understanding into a deeper conversation so that we may get to know one other and fall in love with each other over time.

We're going to experience everything with him and create some memories along the way.

I have a female friend. I told her what had happened between Sebastian and me. She is actually upset by what he did to me. She keeps texting me and leaving voicemails telling me not to give him another opportunity because I put my trust in him, and he betrayed it.

I love you, SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now