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Bailee lay in bed. She looked to the small bump that was starting to form and smiled. Bailee knew how she had to tell her mum that she was pregnant. And she was scared. She knew Rachel. And she knew how she would have questions.

Bailee knew that if people knew that she was pregnant that you would start to see. Bailee had no idea how she was going to tell Rachel.

She knew how Rachel would kick off. She knew how she would want answers. But Bailee knew that the last thing that she was wanted to do was to tell her mum that Max Tyler got her pregnant. But for now she had to tell her that she was pregnant.

Bailee got ready for school and frowned. She knew her blouse was getting tight for her already.

Bailee walked down into the kitchen as she wrapped her blazer around herself. Rachel looked to her and smiled, "are you okay love?" Rachel asked.

Bailee smiled. "I guess. Look I need to talk to you," she said as Rachel looked to her and frowned.

Rachel wasn't stupid. She could tell that something was up. "What is it?"

"I...I'm pregnant," Bailee said.

Rachel looked to her for a moment. She smiled, pulling her into a hug. "It's going to be okay. I promise," Rachel said.


Bailee got to school. She walked into the common room where she saw Evie. She smiled as she walked in.

Evie smiled as Bailee sat next to her. "Are you okay?"

Bailee looked to her and smiled. "I'm okay. I told my mum I was pregnant. And she was surprisingly calm and supportive. She said whatever I want to do that she will try and support me," she said.

Evie smiled and nodded. "Better then my father. I'm guessing you didn't tell her it was his did you?"

Bailee shock her head. "No. I couldn't. I need to give her time to accept I'm pregnant before I drop that bombshell. Have you and your dad not sorted things out?" She asked.

Evie shock her head. "I'm staying with Tom and we're making it work. I'm pregnant and he kicked me out like trash. And for that, I will never forgive him for it. He had no right to treat me like this," she said.

Bailee looked to her and smiled. "It's going to be okay. I promise," she told her.


Bailee walked into Max's office. He looked to her and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Bailee nodded. "I told my mum I was pregnant. I didn't tell her it was yours. I think I need more time before I do," she said.

Max smiled. He nodded. "Don't worry. It will be okay," he said as he pulled her close and hugged her as Bailee smiled.

She knew how complicated it was. She knew how supportive Max was being.

But Bailee had no idea just how he was playing her. How he was planning to take her baby away from her once it was born. And how he wasn't working alone.

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