Disaster date

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I got woken up by the sun shining thru my window, I felt happy. I ran to Henry's room "Wake up! It's a sunny day, we can do whatever you want to!" I said excited, I became a child "UGH MOM I WANT TO SLEEP!" He yelled, I walked out of his room and called Elizabeth "Y/N ITS SUN TODAY!" she screamed thru the phone "I KNOW, WE CAN GET ICE CREAM!" I laughed "okay pick me up, is Henry joining?" "No, he's a grumpy teenager that wants to sleep the whole day" I rolled my eyes "I see, then it's a date" I smiled at her words "i guess it is" I blushed a little, I got filled with guilt thinking about dating. But Spencer also made me promise to move on, and maybe I can do that, not move on. But find someone who makes me happy and someone who loves me and I love her, I love Lizzie. Always have, and always will "see you later, bye y/n" Lizzie said hanging up

I got ready for my date and took my car keys, I drove to Elizabeth's house "anyone home?" I yelled expecting a answer, oh wait I know where she is! I jogged outside to her garden. I snuck up behind her and yelled "BOOHH!" "JESUS CHRIST YOU DEMON!" Elizabeth yelled making me laugh my ass of "Demon?" "Yes, I'm going to pull a whole damn exorcisms here" she said holding her chest "sorry I didn't mean to scare you that much" I said still laughing "are you ready for our date?" "Yup!" I said popping the P "good let's go!" She said taking my hand, I felt butterfly's. We've been friends for so many years but she still has the same effect she had on me when we were together

"Let me guess what your going to choose.. I think your going to get cookies dough" Lizzie said smirking already knowing she was right "and your having... strawberry! Ha!" I said laughing "how are you feeling about this? I know it's hard" she said giving me a sad smile "I felt guilty at first, then I remembered the promise I made Spence, I promised that I would move on to someone that makes me feel special and loved, so I don't feel like a shit for going on a date with you" I laughed at my last sentence "you deserve someone who makes you feel loved-" "HANDS UP!" A guy yelled to us "give me your purse lady!" He screamed to Lizzie holding a gun towards her "I- okay d-don't shoot me please" she begged, I stepped forward the guy "DONT COME CLOSER!" He said pointing the gun towards me "calm down, drop the gun kid" I said calmly "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" "How old are you? You can't be more than 18" I said "IM FIFTEEN, WHATS IT TO YOU ANYWAY?!" "I have a son, he's fourteen, he plays soccer, you like soccer?" I asked "no not really.." he said calmer but still pointing the gun at me "what do you like to do then? Drawing? Filming?" "I like to paint.." "are you good at that?" I asked still being calm "I don't know-" "can I see? You could show me" I said smiling "uh i don't know." "Can you put the gun away at least?" He started to relax, I put my hand out for him to give it to me. I almost had it in my hand when I heard sirens and a gunshot

I heard Elizabeth scream, As i fell to the ground I looked at my hands and saw a lot of blood "y/n!" She screamed tears flowing down "I-I didn't mean to shoot- I'm so sorry" the kid said getting arrested "oh god y/n! Y-your bleeding so much!" "You need to put pressure on it" I said in pain. I realised that I can't feel my legs anymore "Get an Ambulance here now!" A officer said running over to us "we're getting you help, don't close your eyes" he said stressed out, when the ambulance got here I was taken to the hospital with Lizzie. She never let go of my hand "ma'm we need to get her to surgery, let go of her hand" I heard a doctor say

"will she be okay?!" Lizzie said crying "we don't know, the bullet hit her in her spinal cord. We're going to try our best"

Elizabeth's pov:

I called Mom and asked her to go over to y/n's house to watch Henry, my mom loves y/n. She's almost like a grandmother to Henry

"How is she?" Mary Kate asked "I don't know" I said becoming a sobbing mess all over again "what happened?!" Ashley asked "a kid tried to rob us, y/n talked to him. He was going to hand her his gun then the police came and he got scared and pulled the trigger.." "how stupid is she?! Why did she not just give him money?!" Ashley said crying "Ashley-" Mary Kate said letting tears fall out of her eyes, mk and Ashley loves y/n too, my whole family does, since y/n barely have people in her family left she has eaten a lot of dinners with us. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter. She and Henry is a part of the family

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