Saved Me - Gally x Reader

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Warning! Mentions of Sexual Harassment :)

A lil long
. . .

I was walking in the forest, carrying a bucket at my side, on a mission to find dirt for the garden Newt and I were digging. It was beautiful out and I was so happy to go on a little stroll in the woods. No one was around and it was just me and my thoughts.

I was brought up in the box a little over three months ago and it didn't take long for me to figure out I had a green thumb. I love being outside and working in the dirt.

I was the only girl, and no one knew why, I felt scared for the most part. There was one group of boys who talked about me and my body like I was an object. Even when people like that where in the Glade there is always good. One boy in particular caught my eyes when I noticed how he always stood up for me... the famous builder, Gally.

Oh my God I could think about his muscles and his kindness ALL day. Once, these boys started touching me in places that was not really appreciated and I tried to get away but they held me down. I screamed and kicked but they never let go. Gally was the only one who heard me and was like a knight in shining armor. He punched all three of the boys holding me down. Even though it was a horrible experience, I can't help but blush at when ALL of Gally's attention was on me. "Are you ok? Did they hurt you? I could kill them for touching you like that." Those words burned in your head. He cared.

Anyway, as I was walking threw the woods, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard twigs snap. I circled around, taking a look at all my surroundings. Anxiety spread all through out me when you saw three familiar faces. Dan, Lucas, and Mike circled around me.

"You didn't think we'd give up that easily. Did you?" Dan smirked while the other boys laughed.

"Please all I'm trying to do is getting dirt for Newt. Please just let me get back. Don't do anything to me... please." I felt hot tears surface to my eyes but I tried not to let fear get the best of me. I tighten the grip on the metal bucket I have and hit Mike in the face with it knocking him to the ground.

This seemed to make the two other boys more angry. Lucas came up behind me and picked me up.

"GAL-" I try to scream for Gally but Lucas put his large hand over my mouth and I can't breathe or scream.

Dan walks up to me, "Your boyfriend can't hear you, princess." The tears in my eyes fall and I feel completely lose it.

I'm slammed onto the ground with one of Lucas' hands wrapped around my wrists pinned above my head and the other covering my mouth. Dan straddles me down by sitting on my waist so kicking does nothing.

Hands are all over my body and I can't do anything about it. I cry and sob into Lucas' hand. But I got too loud and Dan slapped me across the face.

I hear another snap in the twigs and I pray it's not more of their friends. My shirt is hiked halfway up and I hear a familiar voice,

"What the hell are you two shanks doing to her!" Gallys voice booms through the woods. Lucas lets go if me. I sit up and back up into the nearest tree. I sit there crying as Gally pulls Dan off of me and slams him into a tree.

"If you EVER come near her again I will personally kill you and if I don't then I'll make sure the Grievers do!" Gally looked into his eyes as he held the boy up by his shirt, " Do you understand?!"

Dan looks at my weak body and smirks. Gally punches him in the face and repeats, "DO. YOU. UNDER-STAND?" He yells.

Gally lets go of Dan and lets him run away. I know he'll tell Alby about this later but his number one priority is me right now.

I'm still sitting on the ground, wrists bruised, shirt up, face covered in dirt and tear trails left over with a red mark covering half my face due to the hit and I'm breathing heavy.

The first thing Gally does is pull my shirt down gently and helps me to sit on him.

"Oh y/n. I'm so sorry." He is so gentle. I snuggle closer into his chest feeling safe. I cry into his chest and his arms wrap around my waist. Not in a sexual manner like Dan did, but in a safe, protective manner. I loved it. His touch. And I wanted to tell him.

"Y/n. Whenever your ready you can tell me what happened. Just let it all out and when your ready I'll be here. Always." This made me even more emotional. But I look up into his eyes and can't help but feel even more secure then before.

I told him the entire story. I told him the boys touched me but was to embarrassed to tell him where exactly they touched me.

"Y/n I'm so sorry. Is your face ok?" The pad of his thumb lightly brushed across my check where I had been hit and I winced. He dropped his hand immediately.

"Gal, thank you. For everything. It's my fault for going into the woods alone I just-"

" Stop. You don't have to thank me or be sorry. This wasn't your fault" He says, his eyes searching mine. We both stare into each others eyes and I realize I'm sitting on his lap and blush, "I want you to know that I will always be here for you. Call and I'll be right at your side."

I place my head back on his chest.

"Thank you." I say barely louder than a whisper.

"Hey, let's get back to the medjack to get these wounds checked out and then, together, when you're comfortable, we'll tell Alby what happened. Okay?"

I nod my head as he picked me up bridal style carrying me back to the huts.

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