The Gathering Storm

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Police sirens wailed deep from within the twin city metropolis. An orange autumn sun had begun to set over a land in the grips of anarchy and violence. The communities in the outskirts of the metropolitan districts had exploded with riots, all started by anthro and human citizens alike, spreading the violence across the spheres of influence. This domino effect was set in motion by the horrific outcome of a peaceful demonstration held by Earth for All, the national anthro civil rights coalition. The demonstration was brutally suppressed by After Common Era; the militia forces gunning down the demonstrators and igniting a conflict unlike anything in the history of the world. 

Benjamin surfed through the channels of his CRT television set, seeing only breaking news coverage of the pandemonium that was under way throughout the spheres of influence. The dim glow of the box television set was the only source of light of the apartment living room. With a grumble, Benjamin finally settled on a station and raised the volume of the set, adjusting himself in his seat. The voice of the news anchor began to fill the silence of the room.

" end in sight to the violence." The anchor spoke. "Despite the president's denouncement of the shocking developments today, local law enforcement agencies across both North and South Minnesota have confirmed they are not equipped to handle this crisis.  As a result, the National Guard is set to go into full mobilization."

Benjamin watched the footage in shock. Buildings and vehicles in the metropolis, throughout the surrounding outskirts, and in countless other towns across the realms of influence burn furiously. Police squadrons and fire brigades had closed off blocks of the cities, doing nothing but try to put out the raging infernos; the smokestacks rising into the dusk sky. Previous footage captured earlier in the day showed lifeless anthro and some human demonstrators scattering the boulevards of the metropolitan as they were left behind by the ruthless militia; gunned down by their armored trucks. Debris also littered the streets of the city. Glass, brick, and even metal makes it impossible for any vehicle to pass through. Police squadrons create a perimeter around the metro of the city while completely ignoring the violence being committed elsewhere.

"The borders shared with Amarok have been confirmed to be completely shut down despite Amarok demanding for its forces to move in." The anchor spoke as the screen continued to depict footage of the riots.

Benjamin's eyes widen upon hearing the words, letting out a deep sigh through the side of his mouth and runs his hand through his short curly black hair. 

Emerging from the hallway of the apartment was Volkov, a gray furred anthro wolf. He places a leather suitcase down upon the half wall that separated the kitchen from the living room. Benjamin turned his head around to the sound.

"That was fast." He says to Volkov, laying his arm across the top of the living room sofa.

"I want to be ready as soon as Amaria arrives. The sooner we get out, the better." Volkov says, his voice flavored with a Russian accent. The wolf strolled over to the thick black curtains of the apartment windows, clasping the edge of the curtains and pulls them back, gazing down to the oddly quiet city street aside from the wail of sirens from downtown.

"True. I only need to grab a few things before then, so we should be able to beat it out of here once she shows up." Benjamin says, looking back to the television.

"Anything new being said?" Volkov asks, still peering down to the street below.

"The borders have been shut down and the National Guard is being called up, but it doesn't seem like they are going to do a damn thing about any of this." Benjamin answers.

Volkov grumbles under his breath, letting go of the curtain. "Of course not. It seems like the government will not act out of fear that they will have to pick a side." He says, looking back to Benjamin.

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