Their Love Tonight

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 Benjamin and Amaria lied in the bed of the truck together, listening to the radio as it played through the truck bed window. They watched the bonfire in the center of the forest clearing as Zeus and Volkov poured wood into the coals, the embers slowly rising into the dark night air. Amaria cuddled up next to Benjamin, her head placed upon his chest. Benjamin kept his arm propped up behind his neck, his arm around Amaria, and his foot tapping rhythmically to the music.

Amaria smiled to herself. "What a nice night." She said, bringing herself closer to Benjamin.

"It really is." Benjamin replied, smiling to himself as well.

Zeus then lets out a sigh as he rises to his feet. "Alright, that's enough to keep it going for the time being." He says.

Volkov rises to his feet as well, glancing over at Benjamin and Amaria. He then smirks, looking over to Zeus. "We really should go find more wood. Maybe even find some food. That way we can keep it going till morning and have some kind of dinner."

"I suppose that's a good idea." Zeus said, rubbing the back at his head before glancing over to Benjamin and Amaria. "Keep an eye on my truck. We'll be back soon." Zeus says, placing his hands on his hips.

Benjamin then brings his index and middle finger to his forehead, saluting. "Can do, Captain." Benjamin says.

Zeus then strolls across the clearing and to the cabin of the truck, climbing inside to retrieve a small game hunting rifle and a silencer from a compartment underneath the seats before returning back to the bonfire. Volkov and Zeus then exit away from the bonfire and into the darkness of the forest.

Benjamin and Amaria lied in silence for awhile, listening to the music. Suddenly, Amaria groans out softly, hearing as the current track began playing on the radio.

"Ugh, I hate this song." She said, slowly raising her body and looking towards the truck window.

Benjamin chuckled. "Yeah, I'm not a huge Prince fan either."

Amaria then giggled. "It's not that I don't like him, just don't like this one in particular." She said.

"We can change it if you want."

"Please." She groaned out playfully before she then began to crawl out of the truck bed. Benjamin followed behind her, the two walking around to the cabin doors of the truck and climb inside. As Benjamin placed himself in the driver seat of the truck, he observed in awe at the sight of the high tech equipment of the truck dashboard.

"Holy cow. Zeus really has this thing decked out." He said, his eyes wide at the sight of the sophisticated technology.

"Heh, yeah." Amaria giggled. "It's probably best if we didn't touch anything." She said, leaning in to the radio of the console and finding the seek knob. Amaria then began to surf through stations.

"Nope. Nope. Definitely nope." She said, switching through the various stations. Eventually, she stops on a station.

"...QRX, playing the hottest tracks of today." An announcer said before the opening guitar riff of "Your Love" by The Outfield began to play through the speakers.

"Ooh! I love these guys!" Amaria exclaimed, reclining back in her seat and moves her body to the riffs.

Amaria began to sing along to the opening verse, moving her body rhythmically to the music. Benjamin chuckled, looking to Amaria.

As the second half of the opening verse began to play, Benjamin then chimed in, the two singing along to the chorus as Benjamin then pretended to play along to the opening drum beat on an invisible set as the second verse started.

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