Conflict Digs In

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The three watched the news in the living room of the home that played from the laser projector which hung from the ceiling. The headline read "Amarok Fully Annexes Northern MN." The female anthro news anchor spoke over footage of the Nation's Army rolling through the various towns in the protectorate along with clips of combat units moving through the forests of North Minnesota as they search for After Common Era and to wage their war against them.

Amaria slumbered quietly upon Benjamin as they lied on the couch together. Benjamin watched the footage, feeling somber yet contented they were no longer in the way of the war to come. Volkov stared at the images while listening carefully to what the anchor had to say. He listened intently for information that the Nation's Army was telling the public in regard to their operations in the state. The footage then cuts to a Nation's Army commander as he is being interviewed by a group of various news correspondents.

"We know the United States has taken up positions in along our borders, but we are still questioning what their plan is. Whatever it is, we will be prepared to defend our people and our land." The commander says before the anchor returns to report on the other stories of the day.

Volkov sighed out softly, reclining further into the armchair he sat in. Benjamin gently lifted his head and looked over to the wolf. "Thinking about something?" Benjamin asked.

"I guess. I am just concerned about how all this will go." Volkov answers.

"What do you mean?" Benjamin asked, Amaria grunting out softly in her sleep and brings the man closer to her.

"Just... The Nation's Army seems confident they can fight against the United States. However, I do fear they might be underestimating things. Yes, we do have the more powerful technology, but the United States is tenacious."

Benjamin looked away from Volkov and lowered his head, turning his gaze back to the projector screen. "So, you think this whole thing won't end quickly?" He asks.

"Not at all." Volkov replies.

The two continue to sit in silence for a while, listening to the anchor and observed the footage. Just then, Mrs. Romangrad exits out of the kitchen and into the grand dining room of the home with a tray full of plates of food. She sets the tray down upon the table and begins to place the plates. The sound of the ceramic plates causes Volkov's ear to flick. He turns his head to look behind him and sees his mother setting the table. He smiles to himself and rises to his feet, looking over to his two friends.

"Dinner time, you two." Volkov says before exiting the living room and into the dining room.

Benjamin then looks down to Amaria and gently shakes her. "Hey, love. Wake up. Dinner is finally ready." He says.

Amaria gently stirs. "Tha's fine jus' put it on my tab, babe..." She grumbles, bringing her hand up to the side of Benjamin's neck.

Benjamin chuckles softly, still gently shaking Amaria. "It's time to eat, you asked me to wake you up when it was ready." He says, still continuing to gently shake her until she woke up. Finally, Amaria's eyes open and she lifts her head, looking to Benjamin. Her eyes took a moment to adjust.

"Huh...?" She asked as she took in a breath through her nostrils, smelling the aroma of spices in the air. Her ears perk up and she lifted herself, straddling Benjamin as she sharply turned her head to the dining room, seeing Volkov and Mrs. Romangrad taking their seats at the table. She happily smiles and removes herself off of Benjamin before exiting the living room.

Benjamin chuckles and lifts himself from off the couch and exits the living room; entering the dining room and taking a seat at the table next to Amaria as Volkov sat across from him. At the head of the table was a plate in front of an empty seat reserved for Volkov's father. Mrs. Romangrad reenters the dining room and places a basket of bread sticks in the center of the table.

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