An Ominous Welcome

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Zeus returned as the other three sat in the waiting room of the auto body shop. They all turn their gaze as Volkov stands up in his seat.

"Well?" Volkov asks, his ears perking up.

Zeus sighed. "Good news and bad news. Good news is that they have the part we need for the truck. Bad news is that it's gonna take a few hours to install. Won't be till sundown till we will be able to roll out again." Zeus answered, taking a place in an empty seat.

"So...we have time to kill." Benjamin says.

"Seems like it. I dunno about you kids, but I want to leave as soon as its ready so I'm gonna stick around here." Zeus says, extending his feet out, crossing his ankles and reclined back in the seat.

Amaria turns to Benjamin and gently grips his wrist. "Ooh! I wanna go see the town!" Amaria says excitedly.

Benjamin's eyes widen and looks to Amaria.

"Please?" She begs. "I promise I won't ask for anything." She giggled, hopping up to her feet while still holding his wrist.

Volkov watched the two, smirking softly and crossing his arms. Benjamin looked up to Amaria, seeing the smile across her face. He then softly smiled to her, rising to his feet. "I can't say no to a face like that."

"Yay!" Amaria said, skipping out of the auto shop lobby, the bells jingling as she exited the building. Benjamin then reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, peering into the fold. He smiles to himself and ponders for a moment.

"Hey." Volkov then said, Benjamin turning his head to him. "You two enjoy yourselves." Volkov said, smirking.

Benjamin nodded his head, returning the smirk and proceeds to exit the auto shop.

Volkov watched as Benjamin swung open the door, his ears flicking at the sound of the doorbells.

"I'd give it a few years." Zeus then said, crossing his arms behind his head.

Volkov chuckles. "I know you are jealous, but you could be a bit more supportive." He says, looking behind himself to Zeus.

Zeus scoffed. "I'm not jealous. I just know a thing or two about anthro women is all." Zeus answered, then reaching for the remote for the lobby television set.

"That is why you are still single, right?" Volkov asked.

"Hey, I'll settle when I've had my fun."

"You are so full of shit." Volkov chuckled.

Zeus then rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, I need to talk to you about something."

As Benjamin left the building, Amaria approached his side and wrapped her arm around his. "So, what should we check out first?" She asked, looking around the boulevard of the downtown area of the city. All along, shops, restaurants, bars, and even offices line the blocks and streets of the city.

As they pass through downtown, anthros gaze at Benjamin as they pass by, giving off weary or intense stares. Benjamin had sensed the attention he brought to himself and did his best to avoid making eye contact. Amaria then turned her gaze to Benjamin, sensing his uneasiness. "Ben?" She asked, tilting her head.

Benjamin then lifted his head in surprise and turned his gaze to Amaria. "Y-Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, placing her free hand on his bicep.

Benjamin then gave a soft smile and turned his gaze back forward. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a tad nervous is all."

Amaria then smiled to herself and turned her gaze back forward as well. As the two continued to stroll downtown, Benjamin brought his gaze down and looked to Amaria's shoes, noticing the wear, tear, and grime of her sneakers.

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