ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 2

148 8 101

Y/n P.O.V

I groan as wake up in a small black room, both disoriented, and suffering from a really dry throat. I bring my hand up to my neck, feeling the phantom pain of his hand, maybe it bruised?

"Where am I...?"
I mutter to myself and lifting my hand across my face, feeling for any blindfold since I can't see anything. Feeling nothing, I start to panic and look around for any light source. Calming myself down after a couple minutes, I get up carefully and slowly feel around. As I walk around I hear my feet echo off the walls.
"I'm gonna assume it's a big-ish room based off how much it echos.."
I mutter.

I take a deep breath, inhaling the smell of mold and damp air, trying to calm my nerves

I mentally facepalm as I create eight balls of light and float each to all eight corners, top to bottom of the room. So it seems that I'm in a room made of stone brick, there's a rusty iron door by the corner of a wall. I was right, it's a decently sized room. About the size of an average bedroom, or the ones at my village at least.

I look around some more and see that there are small holes, big enough to stick my head through, on the two walls, the ones that doesn't have a door on one of them, facing the opposite of each other.

I walk over to one of then, creating a small bright light to float through the hole into the space next to my, we'll, I'm assuming my cell. Next to me is an identical room to the one I'm in, the exception being it has more cracks and mold around the walls than mine does. I look down to inspect the floor and come to see multiple corpses. Out of shock, the lights I made dim significantly as I hurriedly back away, gagging slightly at the smell. How did I not notice the smell? Rotting corpse isnt really hard to miss.

I brighten the lights, and hurry over to the other one, scared to see if it's the same outcome. I look through the hole and see two people who seem very weak. A man with a raggedy blue shirt, jeans, and messy brown hair. The other was a woman with long orange, unkept hair, a Green shirt, and brown cargo pants. It seems they must have been in a battle before they we're locked up.

"Hello? Are you guys alive?"
I raise my voice a bit, wincing at th coarse feeling my throat gives as I speak. The girl with orange hair jolts awake and whips her eyes towards me fearfully. As soon as she sees me her eyes widen, more than they already were, and she turns to the guy and shakes him awake.

"Steve! There's someone else here!"
The man, supposedly named Steve, groans as he pushes her hands off of him.
"Alex.. what are you talking about? Are you hallucinating again?"
"No! Look!"
The one known as Alex points over to me.
The other one named Steve looks over and his eyes widen in surprise.

"Wait.. Are there torches in your cell? When did they do that?"
Alex says, standing up and carefully stepping closer, weary of me.

"But I don't see any- woah what is that?"
She abruptly stops walking and takes a careful step back once she sees my orb of light.

Both of them stop moving and stare at it.

"Sorry, that's my..oh what was the name for it. Uh..well it's mine. I made it."
As I feel insecure, my light dims. If you haven't guessed, the brightness depends on how I feel.

"Woah.... How did you..?"
Steve says standing up.

"I- I don't actually know, but I'm just able to.. I know that the power, strength, or brightness depends on how I feel, physically or mentally."

・You are my light・ Herobrine x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now