Chapter Eleven: Unbiased Discussions.

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"How are you feeling love?" Eddie asks her as he places a hot chocolate next to her, taking a seat on the left side of her.

Eddie was calm throughout it all. He comforted her whilst she spilled a few tears, and didn't say ask anything about the situation. He gave her her moment to just collapse, just holding her and soothing her.

But what Eddie didn't tell Elijah, was the look of pity, sorrow and some anger displayed in Billy's eyes as he stared at Eddie holding her. There was a quick sense of sadness and regret, before rage washed over it and he recoiled back into the house.

"I'm fine, just angry." She mutters, taking the cup into her hands and taking a sip thereof.

When they got into the house and Elijah settled down, Eddie started asking questions. He didn't press and he made it clear that she wasn't obligated to tell him, but Elijah felt like she had to tell someone. Someone else than Nancy, someone who wouldn't ever judge or reprimand the situation. She felt like she could trust Eddie.

So, she told him. She told him everything, from the beginning to the very end, the conversations they had, what happened two weeks ago, and what transpired in front of his house a few moments ago. The only thing she left out was Billy's issues with his dad, because at the end of the day that wasn't her story to tell.

Eddie sat and listened. He didn't censure Elijah or Billy, he just listened, nodded when he was supposed to and asked when he didn't understand. Eddie was the perfect person to rant to, because even though he favores Elijah, he wasn't subjective.

"I think you should talk to him." Eddie says, taking a sip from his own mug.

"Eddie, I just did. He didn't want to listen-"

"No, you weren't talking, you were yelling. You were both fighting for jurisdiction, who was right and who was wrong. And you're not going to like what I tell you, but you were both wrong. You shouldn't have touched his car, period. I don't care how much noise he made or how early it was, you were the catalyst for the downfall of this situation. And sure, you were right for defending Steve, and I'll give that to you, but these circumstances occured because you were both wrong. It's only right that you both come to a conclusion on this, that you both admit you are at fault."

Elijah falls completely silent, for the first time hearing the full truth from someone who is completely unbiased. And even though she doesn't like to admit it, she was wrong too. Snipping his cable is what caused this, what caused all of this to betide the way it did. And Eddie was right. What Elijah did was unethical.

"What would I even say to him? Do I apologize?"

"If you're sorry, then yes. But don't apologize if you don't mean it. You wouldn't want him to reciprocate the behaviour. Because that's what's happening here. He says or does, and you follow. You say or do, and he follows. Subconsciously he's going to pick up that you weren't sincere, and that's going to spiral into another fight. Be civil with one another, and be truthful. Admit what you did was wrong, admit that you were at fault, but explain to him that what he did was also iniquitous. Explain to him how he made you feel when he treated you the way he did. Billy isn't always a pleasant person, but he's a human, with feelings."

Elijah feels thankful for telling Eddie what had happened. Because for the first time, she got genuine advice on what to do, helpful information on how to progress forward with this complicated situation she has found herself in.

The wonderful thing about Eddie was that he was impartial. Eddie was so wonderfully himself, that even though he didn't like Billy at all, he still gave advice that would be beneficial for them both. He could've solely sided with Elijah, but Eddie wouldn't. He has never been like that.

"Do you have feelings for Billy, Elijah?" He asks out of the blue, Elijah jerking her head up to look at him.

"What? No! Why would you think that?"

"Because people don't react emotionally when they deal with people that mean nothing to them. And it's clear that Billy got to you, he has upset you with his actions. That's why I want to know. Why this situation disturbs you as much as it does, why it bothers you. Do you have feelings for him?"

"I don't." Elijah pauses for a second, trying to recollect her scattered thoughts, trying to puzzle through her crowded mind. "He was growing on me. The friendly banter and the witty comments, the flirty yet platonic commentary, the teasing just to get a reaction out of the other, annoying one another just for the sake of irritation. And I guess I started to see friendship, even though it happened so fast. I mean, the Tuesday and Wednesday we were fighting, and Thursday he was in my room whilst I was helping him with some problems. It felt like development, and then out of the blue, it was pulled from under me. The next day he punched Jesse for me, and then acted as if it was the worst thing he could ever have done. I did like him, because I felt like I was seeing a side that not many got to see. The vulnerable and sad side, where he wasn't a pompous ass, where he was a fragile human. I felt like we could be friends, like I could-"

"Save him?" Eddie answers for her with a sigh.

"Yeah. I guess that was it. I wanted to help him. I wanted to be there for him. I know how it feels to feel alone, and I guess I didn't want that for him."

"You can't save people who don't want to be saved, love. If Billy wanted your help, he would've came to you." Elijah takes into consideration what Eddie explained, and whether she like to admit it or not, it actually made sense. If Billy wanted help, he would've asked for it.

She's snapped out of her thoughts when the television switches on, Eddie sitting with the remote in his hand.

"Take your mind off of the situation, love. There's nothing you can do about it now. Just relax, and leave it for tomorrow, or whenever you feel comfortable addressing this."


"Literally, what the fuck?" Is the first things Steve says when he enters the house after spending the afternoon with Nancy. Eddie and Elijah are curled together on the couch, soundlessly sleeping as Elijah lays with her head on his chest, Eddie still clutching the remote in his hands.

Steve opens his mouth to say something, but instantly closes it once he realizes that he absolutely doesn't want to know what's going on. So instead of reacting with his head, he reacts with his heart and pulls a blanket over the sleeping pair.

He stares at his sister's soft features, a small smile sprawling over his lips. Steve doesn't know what has been going on with her recently, but he's happy to see that she's peaceful. Even if peaceful meant sleeping on his buddy's chest.

He doesn't know what's going on between the pair, but if it is what he suspects it is, he'll be happy for them. Elijah deserves happiness, even is Steve doesn't always agree.

With thay being the last thought, Steve turns off the living room light and trudges upstairs.

With thay being the last thought, Steve turns off the living room light and trudges upstairs

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