04 , what's this feeling?

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Daisy was forced to wait outside swinging double doors as Minho scouted inside. She thought it was unreasonable; obviously, she was able to look after herself but she was too awkward to say anything about it. 

So here she was, waiting miserably for Minho to finish whatever he was doing in that room. Her curiosity to see what was inside was eating her from the inside out and it was killing her as her foot started twitching, bouncing up and down. 

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she eagerly spinned around to see an exhausted Minho, which dampened her mood just by a bit. 

'It's safe, come on,' Minho said, leading her inside the room. 

It was awfully hard to see anything in the room but when she started moving her flashlight around, she was able to see a endless amount of cords everywhere. They were either hanging on the ceiling or tangled on the hard floor. She continued to explore; she found a fence with what seemed to be shrines of the fallen. 

Most of them being soft plush toys...

She shined her light on a sign attached to the wired fence.

'Beware: High Voltage,' subconsciously, Daisy took a small step back before continuing to explore.

There were metal ladders leaning against the walls but it seemed like they weren't used much; they were still in almost mint condition. 

Realizing there wasn't much to look at, she moved back to the wired fence. Maybe there was a way across. Daisy pointed her flashlight upwards to see if she could climb over but it was impossible to tell with how she was angled. Deciding to give up on that idea, she crouched down and peered through the gaps of the fence to see pink floral blankets resting in the floor, along with another plush toy. 

Suddenly, her flashlight wasn't the only source of light she had anymore. Yellowish lights illuminated the room they were in, making her dizzy from being in the dark for so long. 

She stood up to see Minho smiling brightly, obviously proud of himself for this discovery. Daisy smiled softly, feeling happy that he was happy as well, but his smile was soon replaced by terror. 

Daisy was confused until she felt quick vibrations behind her. 

Gasping, she stumbled back into Minho once she saw a rotting woman missing her eyes, running into the fence, moving it back and forth. She felt more vibrations, more than 10, at least, in the room with them. 

She watched as Minho spinned around, watching as more Cranks came out of hiding behind boxes and corners. How did they miss them in the first place?

Daisy leapt into action along with Minho as they started sprinting out the door. Daisy couldn't tell how close the cranks were at that moment, since there were so many. But they seemed to be close enough if they had gotten to the door right as she and Minho barricaded the doors with their bodies.

Panting, she saw Minho moving his mouth, but she couldn't focus enough on his lips as she struggled holding her door closed. Minho realized this and decided to just show her what he was doing. 

Daisy watched as Minho ran behind the tall cabinet next to her and noticed it was tilting. The realization hit her like a punch to the face as she quickly dove out the way. 

Minho tugged her sleeve, making Daisy face him and focus on his lips. 

'Whatever you do, do not leave my sight and follow me,' Minho said, with a stern face. Daisy automatically nodded and she was pulled away from the door that was starting open now. 

Minho and her climbed the elevator stairs by two, their flashlights waving around, imparing their vision. Which meant they were running by memory. It had been awhile since she had to do that, but everything came back to her as if riding a bike; that easy to remember.

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