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Not edited (mistakes might be in the chapter)

After what happened with number twelve.. I was completely shocked. How could she found out about Henry? Did someone tell her..

I walked down the hallway until I reached my room. I opened the door seeing scarlet.

"Hey babe wassup" she said standing up from my bed. I didn't answer fast like I always do. I looked at her weirdly.

"I'm..I'm good" I simple said with a fake smile making her smile drop "you're clearly not. What's going on" she said sitting on the bed with me.

"Someone told number twelve about us!" I scoffed. I'm confused? I only told two people about me and Henry.. who could've told this snake.

"What the shit" Scarlet dryly said "do you know how much trouble me and him could be if papa finds out!.. I don't want him to get hurt or even myself" I say.

"Dude I'm sure it's gonna be okay, if number bitch don't open her big mouth papa will never know. In fact.. y'all maybe should be more.." she say.

"We should be more what? I was super quiet when we made out and I was in a closet!" I yelled "fuck i just want a normal life! This place is total shit..my room smell like piss and the rainbow room look like ..ugh it's ugly and so much colour" I yelled again.

"Y/n you need to calm down..papa might hear us" scarlet shushed me "I'm so tired scarlet.." a tear falled down my cheeks but I quickly whipped it away.

"It's okay.." she say smiling "how .. how can you smile after what I just fucking told you!" I say stepping away from her

"Y/n please listen to me! You will get out of her I promise you. You just need to do Henry's plans!" Scarlet say but quickly covered her mouth.

"How do you know about Henry's plan, scarlet?" I say confused "what?" She say laughing.

"What.. what the fuck is going on! Is this a dream? Where am I" I panicked "there's so much you don't know about y/n.. you just need to follow my script, but you weirdly can't?" Scarlet say confused.

"Sorry what? What are you talking about, is this a fucking joke? » I say giggling « y/n you're not real! » scarlet yelled « what?" My smile dropped.

"You're not real! You're just someone that I imagined. » scarlet say « what are you on about ? I'm literally real! I Am in front of you. You sound crazy » I say stepping back again

« Okay listen! I'm shifting right now.. you're not real y/n you're someone that doesn't exist in real life! » she say calmly « I don't exist » I say.

« Well you..you do ! It's just that you're a character and your different in real life. » she say smiling « why are you lying » I yelled « I'm not I swear! »

« Listen I know it can be hard but eventually I won't be here! And you've gotta live your life as it was planed . » scarlet say sobbing « stop.. » I say shocked « listen.. you're a character and I'm not! We're like different universe. »

« So.. what am I supposed to do now? » i responded « you can't trust Henry!.. please don't! » scarlet said « why would I trust you! You're not real » I say yelling « y/n please-»

« go away » I cried « please listen! »
« Go away ! » I closed my eyes.. everything was silent.. I opened my eyes again

Scarlet was gone.

A/n: just explaining this chapter ! Y/n is real in the fictional universe but in scarlet eyes well she isn't. Scarlet is shifting as I was talking about in some chapters.

GOOD GIRL - Peter Ballard x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now