Author's Notes

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This is the second collaboration between Chloe and Kalani, their first being in DMB #5 "Protectee". The story carries a darker tone, so I titled it under the Lorelei series. Please note that in DMB Universe, Kalani is a few years older than Chloe, so is her height and physical built.

Taking drugs does not make you cool. If anyone pressure you to take drugs, they are not your friends and you should report them to the police. Drugs may gain you a short moment of thrill, but left you paying the consequence for a long long time, like borrowing a dollar but pay back a thousand. It's not worth trying, and definitely not worth providing yourself for friendship or pride. If you need a moment to escape from reality, read a book, watch a movie, take up a sport or hobby that can draw your focus elsewhere. There are hundreds of things that can take our minds off, drugs is not one of them.

I thank all readers for giving me feedbacks and supports. I hope you'll all stay with the series!

Yours truly, Thomas Chan / T. P. Channing

Dance Moms - Lorelei : James & Hilliker

by T. P. Channing

Dance Moms - Lorelei (3) James & HillikerWhere stories live. Discover now