Chapter 2 - Experiments

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Orion walked to his room down the hall and grabbed a few test tubes filled with stuff only arceus knew what. Clarisse followed quickly behind him. One of the tubes fell out from his backpack. Clarisse had to leap to catch it for him. "You dropped this" she handed him the tube. "Thanks that I need" Orion took it from her and shoved it in his backpack again. Everest gave a small smile and waved to the two Orion smiled back and waved Clarisse didn't. "Look out for Regina, she likes to mess with my experiments at times and she likes causing her own "fun" at night" Orion smiled. Clarisse gave a small laugh "I'm surprised she's not getting her beauty rest". "Dark Type remember they stay up like all night and usually get tired during the day" Orion remarked. Leave it to him to know almost anything about pokemon types Orion sure was smart he just did dumb stuff with his knowledge. A sparkle caught his eye. "Hey Clarisse there's Obsidian I'm going to say hi you can stay here if you want" Orion smiled. Clarisse gave a small nod and laid down in the grass. "Hey Obsidian, are you looking for anyone?" Orion asked, noticing him looking around. "Oh hey Everest's boy right? I forgot your name but I thought I was. I guess my mind was just playing tricks on me again" Obsidian replied in a gruff voice. "It's Orion by the way, nice night out here isn't it?" Orion smiled. "Hmm oh I didn't notice hey why aren't you evolved yet just saying most eevee's want to evolve when they're your age" Obsidian remarked. "Oh my mom didn't tell you something's wrong with my genetics so I can't evolve doesn't stop me from trying though" Orion managed a smile. Obsidian shrugged "Hey your differences are what make you beautiful" he gave his hair a small wag and the shiny half of him shone in the moonlight. "Woah I forgot you're half shiny, that's amazing" Orion looked at him. "Thanks kid you didn't happen to see a white zorua anywhere did you?" Obsidian started. "Oh no why?" "Oh no reason I just got a letter earlier and I wanted to know if it was real" Obsidian frowned. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll find whoever you're looking for soon" Orion smiled. "Thanks kid, don't wander too far from home" Obsidian remarked and ran off into the night. Orion smiled and trotted back to Clarisse who was chatting with Regina. "Hey Orion was wondering where you went Regina found me first" Clarisse shrugged. "Well I don't mind the extra hand Regina you don't mind helping me with my experiment do you?" Orion asked though he knew her answer. "I totally would but I don't feel like it right now that's all" Regina smiled. Orion rolled his eyes since when did she ever feel like doing any work. Clarisse watched Orion carefully place three different tubes in the ground and stand in the middle of the triangle. The moon came out from the clouds and began to light up the test tubes. Orion smiled, "It's working!" the strings attached to the tubes began to glow as well traveling closer to the middle of the circle. But suddenly they stopped and like a candle were blown out. Orion frowned "I could've sworn that would work I calculated everything perfectly". "Don't worry you have your whole life to perfect it" Regina laughed from behind him. Orion gave a small growl and sat back down in the grass. Clarisse started to walk back home "I'm leaving catch ya later Orion". *sigh* "Bye I'll come back a little later". Regina shrugged "Bye bye I gotta go". Orion frowned; he sat alone in the circle; the only light was the moon above.

He got up and walked to the edge of town where Blizzard the articuno slept in her nest. Orion slowly trotted out and into the forest until he finally got to a small pond. A tear trickled down his face "Ugh stupid genetics". He walked over to the pond and bent down to look at his reflection, the reflection he would have for the rest of his life. But instead he saw what looked like a brown eevee not a shiny eevee. "Huh?" he jumped back shocked at what he saw. A small giggle above him made him look up. He saw a pair of brown eyes staring back at him. "W- who are you?" Orion stuttered. A female eevee fell down from the tree on top of him. "Who are you? That's the question, I haven't seen anyone here for a long time" she smiled. "Orion the shiny eevee nice to meet you" Orion gave a small smile. "I'm Luna I don't remember if I named myself or my parents named me because I have trouble remembering a lot" Luna remarked. "Well Luna it's nice to meet you- Wait, why haven't you evolved in the full moon?" Orion was puzzled. Luna just shrugged "I'm not sure am I supposed to evolve?" she asked. "Uh yeah all eevee's are supposed to evolve unless you're like me" Orion started. "Well I can assure you I'm not shiny" Luna laughed. "Oh I didn't mean that I just meant my genetics are weird like I can't evolve maybe you're like me" Orion suggested. Luna just shrugged once more "I don't mind being an eevee I think I'm cute do you think I'm cute?" Luna smiled and ruffled her fur. Orion looked away, his face flushed. Luna skipped in front of him "Where do you live? I live in that tree". "You're a wild mon?" Orion asked. "You act like it's a bad thing" Luna frowned. "Oh no it's just I live in Eevee and Friends Town I'm surprised you don't" Orion replied. "Oh I've always wanted to visit, that would be fun" Luna jumped up. "Oh um sure I guess we could find you a place to stay" Orion smiled back. Luna smiled and skipped in front of him. "So you really don't mind not being able to evolve?" Orion asked, trying to keep up with her. "Nope," Luna remarked. Orion was confused but kept following her. "Here we are Eevee and Friends Town" Orion smiled at the front gate that was always open. "Woah I can't believe you live here" Luna said in awe looking around. "Well yeah I live in the guild over there" Orion pointed. "Oh ok in that case let's go" Luna smiled running towards the guild. "Wait! Luna come back!" Orion called. But she was already too far ahead to hear him. Orion stopped at the front doors. Luna stood there and knocked. "Wait Luna you don't have to do that" Orion groaned. Everest opened the door "Orion I've been so worried you didn't come back with Clarisse and she wouldn't tell me where you were and- you brought a friend". Everest stared down at Luna standing beside Orion. "It's a long story. Her name's Luna and I found her or rather she found me in the forest". "Orion I told you to stay in town ugh well since she doesn't have a place to stay she can stay here for the night" Everest replied. "Thanks ma'am" Luna smiled. "You're welcome Luna right?" Everest smiled back. "Yep don't know how I got my name but I just remember having it" Luna giggled. "That's strange...Orion can you show her to the guest suite?" Everest looked at him. "Yes mom c'mon Luna" Orion replied trotting off down the hall. Clarisse slowly trailed behind him "Orion who the hell is she?". "This is Luna, she's a guest please be nicer" Orion frowned. "Ugh why did you bring a wild mon into our house" Clarisse groaned. "Because she had nowhere to stay, you expect me to leave her outside?" Orion replied. Luna looked at the two and waved to Clarisse "My name's Luna what's yours?". Clarisse frowned "Clarisse" she replied before trotting off. Luna smiled and waved once more "Ok bye see you later". "You sure are optimistic for being on your own" Orion looked at her. "It's about how you look at it...For example your vulpix friend may not have appreciated me being here but I appreciated meeting a new friend, and I may not be able to evolve but look at how cute and pretty I am now" Luna finished before walking into the specific room. Orion sat down in the hallway 'maybe she's right' he thought to himself.

Clarisse growled and trotted upstairs 'why did Orion have to be so nice it was getting really annoying'. She turned a corner and bumped into Everest "Ugh watch it will you" Clarisse growled and fixed her fur. Everest frowned "You know you could at least try to be nicer. I am trying to help your life go by smoother y'know". "Blah, blah, blah whatever just stop trying to be my friend" Clarisse growled once more. "I'm not trying to be your friend I'm trying to be your aunt" Everest gave a small smile and trotted downstairs. Clarisse ran to her room and screamed "Ugh why does she have to make it so hard!". "I hate you!" Clarisse screamed into her pillow. A knock on the door was heard. "Who the hell really wants to bug me right now? I swear to arceus if it's you Everest" Clarisse growled, opening the door. Sonny looked at her "I may not be related to you by blood but I don't appreciate you treating my wife bad we did save your life after all". Clarisse groaned "Does it look like I fucking care Everest isn't even related to me by blood!". Sonny growled "Well if you could stop making her feel like it's her fault you're such a brat then that'd be great". Clarisse gasped "A brat seriously that's what you think I am you good for nothing son of a bitch! It's all her fault if she didn't lose the battle then my parents would still be alive...I'm not a brat I'm just too depressed to care about anyone else". "You do realize Everest lost both her parents too right? Maybe think on that sure she was sad but she had to protect you. Your parents were great but the mon who killed them was an evil horrible mon. Listen I don't like yelling but if it affects the love of my life's happiness again I won't just be yelling" Sonny growled and walked downstairs. Clarisse growled back to him and shut the door. She laid down on her bed and heard conversations downstairs. The muffled sounds of Everest's sobs were heard along with Sonny's voice in a more comforting state. Clarisse growled "I don't need you and I definitely don't need her".

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