Chapter 3 - The other shiny vulpix

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         Clarisse trotted over to her window and laid her paws on the wall watching the night outside. The fresh air smelled nice and calmed her down the slightest bit. Suddenly she saw a piece of the night move? Looking closer she realized it was just Obsidian strange he was looking for someone earlier in the night as well. She shook her head and curled up on the circular bed in the middle of her room. Clarisse yawned and drifted off to sleep. The sunlight shone in her eyes. She assumed it was morning by now. A knock on the door caught her attention. "Who is it?" Clarisse asked. "It's me Orion" Orion answered "And Luna" Luna's optimistic voice added. Clarisse groaned "Go away I'm sleeping". "You can't possibly sleep now Blossom's giving her first class today c'mon we have to get going" Orion frowned. *deep sigh* "Fine I'm coming lemme just find my badge" Clarisse replied. "K meet you downstairs c'mon Luna" Orion smiled and trotted downstairs. Clarisse rummaged through her drawers to find her team badge that had to be here somewhere. "Ah" she declared, finding the bow-like badge and pinning it behind her ear. Clarisse then opened the door and ran down the two flights of stairs. "Goodbye you three have a good day" Everest called. "Goodbye mom!" "Bye Mrs. Everest" Orion and Luna called, Clarisse just ignored her. Everest frowned but walked back into the kitchen. Sonny gave a low growl but Everest gave him a look that made him stop. Clarisse trotted down the street and saw her friends or atleast her team members. Finally they stopped at Blossom's house which happened to be where Pixie and her parents also lived. "Hello everyone I probably won't be the greatest at this but I did want to try to teach in the least" Blossom smiled. Everyone sat down in the grass behind the house waiting for further instructions. Clarisse let out a yawn she was already bored out of her mind. What could Blossom possibly teach that she didn't already know? "I'm going to partner everyone up into maybe pairs depending on how many of you there are," Blossom smiled, pulling out a list of names. "Clarisse, Orion, Pixie, Regina, Lana, Lux, and oh I don't see you on my list, what's your name hun?" Blossom looked down at Luna. "Luna nice to meet you Miss Blossom" Luna smiled. "Ok well I suppose you can join us today is everyone else here?" Blossom asked. A round of "yes" was heard and Blossom nodded. Clarisse laid down in the grass looking for anything to take her mind off this boring class, a bug mon maybe. "Ok now I will put everyone into pairs: Clarisse you're with Pixie, Lana you're with Regina, Lux you can go with Luna, and Orion you can practice with me for now" Blossom finished. Clarisse groaned before trotting over to the rudest sylveon who ever lived. "Hey Pixie let's try to do this nonviolent like shall we?" Clarisse frowned. "Hmm I don't think so I prefer to win not lose so I plan on going all out" Pixie sarcastically grinned. Clarisse rolled her eyes "Blossom what's the point of teaching a class if we can spar whenever". "The point isn't to just spar and win against your opponent, the point is to do it in as little time as possible so you don't give your opponent the upper hand" Blossom replied. "Ok what's the point of sparring if I'm just gonna win" Clarisse grinned. Pixie narrowed her eyes "You wish" she scoffed. "Can we not start fighting again?" Orion groaned. Clarisse growled "I'll show you what winning looks like". "Oh really then let's do it" Pixie growled back. Clarisse jumped up and pinned Pixie using her back legs so she couldn't move. Pixie's feelers managed to throw the vulpix off before she stood back up.

*Pixie used dazzling gleam*

Clarisse groaned at the flashing sparkles around her, unable to see Pixie in the chaos.

*Clarisse used ice shard*

The shard of ice hurled through the sparkles and hit Pixie's shoulder hard. Pixie fell down and growled a pool of blood had begun to pour out of the wound. Clarisse growled back slowly walking towards her opponent ready to deliver the final blow. She got closer and closer and the fear on Pixie's face was evident now. Clarisse bared her teeth and prepared to attack. "Clarisse, that's enough!" Blossom growled from behind her. Clarisse stopped "What! I was about to win!". Blossom growled once more "You already won when your opponent yielded, we don't try to kill in a guild unless absolutely necessary especially when your practice sparring with your friend". Clarisse looked annoyed "Seriously!". Pixie got up and gave Clarisse a death glare before walking back inside. "Pixie go to Ninetale's guild and see Wisp your shoulder isn't going to heal overnight" Blossom said, putting her paw out to stop her. "And Clarisse you can take her there since it was your fault to begin with" Blossom added. Clarisse groaned "Ugh you mons are getting on my nerves c'mon Pixie and hurry up I'm not waiting all day". Pixie growled but didn't say anything she just followed behind her. Blossom sighed "The training is off for today you all can come back tomorrow". Orion nodded "C'mon Luna let's get going". Luna smiled and followed close behind him. "You were a worthy opponent Lux!" she called before running after Orion. Lux chuckled and followed Lana back home "Bye Regina" Lana smiled. "See you later Lana!" Regina purred, bounding off. Finally Clarisse and Pixie had arrived at the guild. Clarisse knocked and Everest answered the door. "Oh my arceus Pixie what happened to your shoulder!" she motioned them inside. "You should ask your darling niece that question" Pixie growled before following Wisp down the hall. Everest looked at Clarisse. "What did you do?" Everest gave a low growl. "Hey it wasn't my fault everyone blames me for everything!" Clarisse growled. "Then how did Pixie get that gash on her shoulder?" Everest frowned. "It's not my fault she used dazzling gleam. I couldn't see where my ice shard went... And sure I got a little competitive towards the end but it was her fault she didn't fight back" Clarisse growled louder. Pixie came out of the hospital ward and gave Clarisse another death glare before heading home. Clarisse growled "Just stay away from me bitch!". Everest gasped "Clarisse I don't know what's going on but I'd prefer if you weren't rude to your friends". "Oh my arceus why does everyone keep saying that she's not my friend maybe when we were younger now she's just annoying as hell" Clarisse growled her voice getting louder. "Clarisse I don't appreciate you speaking to me like that I'm just trying to find out what happened" Everest replied. "YOU'RE NOT MY MOM!" Clarisse hissed before she could stop herself; her body moved on its own.

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