Chapter 8 - Family matters

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Clarisse's ears perked up as she walked through the grass to where Orion and Luna were standing. "We we're so worried we wouldn't find you again Clarisse" Orion frowned. "Yeah well where would I even go" she rolled her eyes. "Were serious Clarisse we care about you" Luna frowned. Clarisse shook her head "Can everyone just stop pretending to care? It's really annoying if you actually cared then you'd act differently". "We aren't pretending Clarisse" Orion started. "Yes you are! I don't want to hear your lies!" Clarisse yelled and trotted off. "Great she's leaving...again" Luna sighed. "Hey Orion, who's your friend?" Regina stared at Luna. "Oh this is Luna, remember she came to our battle class a few days ago?" Orion replied. "Oh then welcome to Team Misfits Luna" Lux smiled. "Oh I'm not on your team just yet the leader has to approve that and I don't think Clarisse likes me very much" Luna managed a smile. "Don't worry she'll get used to you in the end she always does" Lana shrugged. "That's nice to know," Luna sighed. Clarisse walked off in the opposite direction of her friends- no not friends team members that's all they were except for Luna she was lower than a team member. "Hey love how ya doing?" a familiar voice said from behind her. "Ah! You totally freaked me out, what are you doing in Eevee and Friends Town?!" Clarisse whisper-yelled. "Relax love I'm just checking on ya you were pretty shaky the other day" Zahavi leapt out from the shadows. "Well I don't need your sympathy just stay away from me I mean it!" Clarisse snapped at him. "Ok ok I won't get in your way but one way you're gonna have to learn that the world isn't against you" Zahavi winked before bounding off. Clarisse pawed at the ground and growled. How could he tell her what to think? Well she definitely wasn't going to listen that's for sure. Clarisse trotted away from the spot she had last seen Z. She was annoyed that no one understood how she felt. But even if they did, would she accept it? Clarisse shook off her thoughts and a familiar voice made her jump. "I thought I told you I don't care about you stop trying to fix our relationship! It's already broken just like our family!" Twilight's familiar growl echoed through the town. Clarisse slowly walked up behind the house to see Twilight yelling at Shade. "Why don't you give it a chance I'm willing to change for you and Eclipse c'mon I don't have anywhere else to go" Shade shook his head. "Why don't you just go back to the Dark Forest isn't that where dad lived" Twilight turned her back to him. "It was where he lived," Shade frowned. "What do you mean was?" Twilight's ears perked up. "I was out on a walk with him and he was attacked by a rogue fairy type... The pride thought I killed him" Shade frowned. "Well isn't that a coincidence because I might as well think the same thing. Afterall you are known for lying" Twilight humphed. "C'mon Twi I would never kill my last family member or anyone for that matter- Even my girlfriend turned on me" Shade's ears were pinned against his head. "Huh I'm surprised you even had a girlfriend" Twilight snickered. Clarisse was quite stunned how the liepard that was normally so kind and sweet could be this nasty in a split second. Well apparently that's a dark type for you Clarisse shrugged.

"Hey Shade and Twilight you guys alright?" Opal's voice asked. Clarisse looked around for the ghost type but couldn't see her. Suddenly she appeared from out of the ground... Clarisse almost jumped at the sight somehow seeing a ghost type sift through solid ground made her a bit dizzy. "Shade thinks that he can show up and act like he's part of my family again" Twilight growled. "And Twilight's too stubborn to accept the fact I'm here to stay" Shade grumbled. "Well I know it's probably none of my business but I want to help y'all fix your issues" Opal perked up. "Why?" Twilight asked. "Because I don't like to see you two so angry besides I know the pros and cons of Shade he's living with me for now...And Obsidian's told me the pros and cons of you Twilight I kinda want to help mend your relationship. Can I help?" Opal replied with a grin. "I didn't know Obsidian actually liked me," Twilight giggled. "Well if you can help that'd be great" Shade managed a smile. Clarisse must've drifted off to sleep because the next thing she knew it was dark. She looked over at the three still talking about who knows what. But Shade and Twilight definitely looked less mad if that even existed. Opal smiled at the two and jumped up gleefully. Clarisse supposed they actually stopped fighting. When Opal began to walk towards the houses she was hiding behind Clarisse began to panic. "Wait Clarisse come back" Opal called as Clarisse began to run away. "I don't want your sentimental words or comfort leave me alone!" Clarisse growled. She turned her head but didn't see where Opal went. "Stupid ghost" Clarisse muttered. She finally arrived back at the guild but didn't feel like going inside. Thankfully she could use the balcony entrance. The ladder was normally on the side of the guild. It was rusty but doable. She had used it lots of times before. Clarisse carefully stepped up each rung and finally jumped up to the top. She could hear murmuring below but decided not to look into it. A cold wind made her shiver. Could it be ominous wind? Something was odd but right now she wanted to relax. She laid down on a beat up, sun worn, chair on the balcony that was still comfortable. She breathed a deep sigh and looked up at the moon and stars above. "I miss you mom and dad I wish you were here I can't do this by myself...It's so hard without you I mean I never even got to meet you and I'm a mess I don't know what to do anymore" she stuttered. She didn't expect anyone to respond but she still waited for a response. A shooting star made her look up. Even though it was stupid to wish on something other than Jirachi she still closed her eyes and mumbled something. A cold current in the air made her shiver once more as she looked around for the culprit. Pearly white tuft of fur caught her eye as she tilted her head to see better. An alolan ninetales trotted towards her. Clarisse stepped back as the ninetales got closer to her. "W- who are you?" Clarisse stuttered. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, I'm your mother... Well the spirit of her at least I came to talk with you" The ninetales smiled. "So your Angel... As an actual angel?" Clarisse stopped and stared at her. "I have waited so long to see you Clarisse. I never got to see my baby girl and tonight you needed help so I had to come" Angel smiled. Clarisse thought it odd but was excited at the same time. The ninetales walked closer and went through the chair she was sitting on. "So you are Angel's spirit" Clarisse breathed. "Yes you see normally I wouldn't be able to do this but I sensed you needed to see me instead of just me watching over you" Angel laid down next to her. "Where's Firestorm?" Clarisse asked. "You'll get to see him eventually but for now I wanted to see you privately" Angel replied. Clarisse was shocked that her mom was finally here- well sort of. "Clarisse I'm sorry me and your father can't be here for you anymore- but the thing is you need to let others into your life. I can't stay in this realm forever. I must go back. But I wanted to help you realize this before it's too late. I hate to see you so lonely every day. Everest saved your life and she felt the same way you did when I died... She loves you Clarisse. I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you that" Angel gave a small smile. "I- I'm sorry I disappointed you I just can't imagine living like you're not here" Clarisse stifled a sob. "Ssh don't worry I was never disappointed with you neither was Firestorm we miss you like crazy, we feel horrible we can't be here to help you. I wish things were different and we could be by your side everyday. But the thing is we are always watching you from above we won't ever be without you Clarisse" Angel put her head next to Clarisse's. Clarisse began to cry and she didn't care at this point. "Please don't leave me, I can't live like this" she cried. "Remember this I'll always be watching over you don't ever forget it" Angel smiled and the white spirit was gone. Clarisse looked around but her mother was nowhere in sight. Opal sucked in her breath. She didn't mean to do it this way but if Clarisse could realize that she wasn't alone the better. Her illusion finally wore off and she disappeared into the night once more. 

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