Chapter 9 - Grief

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Clarisse cried and cried up on that balcony until the sun came back up. She finally had no more tears to shed as her face went dry. She tried to remember what her mother had said about moving on. Could she move on? Was it possible to accept she wasn't alone? In Clarisse's mind no it wasn't but could she argue with what her dead mother said? Again she didn't know the answer but perhaps she could at least go down into the guild. "Good Morning Clarisse" Everest smiled sitting at the banquet table. "Hi" she muttered walking past. "I hope you would join our guest for breakfast" Everest gave a slight smile. "Guest?" Clarisse paused. "He seems to know you," Sonny remarked. This caught Clarisse's attention. She trotted through the hallway and made her way over to the dining room. A small bomb went off inside her head as she realized who was sitting there. Zahavi was sitting at the head of the table staring back at her with that stupid smirk across his face. "What are you doing here?" Clarisse growled. "I thought you didn't care about where I went love" Zahavi smirked. "I care if you're here! This is my house!" Clarisse practically yelled. "Calm yourself Clair it's the guild love and Everest here is the new guild leader and she let me in" Zahavi smiled. "Well we couldn't exactly leave Z outside he told us how his pack was slaughtered by shadow mons and I happen to think it was my fault" Everest frowned. "It's not your fault Eve" Sonny whispered to her, putting his paw over hers. "And I also told them I could help you work out this whole emotional thing you got goin on love" Zahavi smiled. "Well I don't need your help I don't need any of you I came here to be alone not be even more annoyed" Clarisse growled and trotted off. "Ooh well she's good at insults gotta give er that" Zahavi chuckled. "Listen Z you don't have to care about what she does, we'd prefer if you stayed here in one of the guest suites we don't want you living on your own anymore" Everest put a paw on the vulpix's shoulder. *sigh* "I appreciate the offer Miss but I have to look after my father's land dead or not" Zahavi shook his head. "If that's the reason you won't come and stay here that's fine... But we can't let you live by yourself especially since you can see the clearing from the guild balcony anyway so don't worry about it" Sonny gave a reassuring smile. "Thank you so much for the offer I suppose I could stay for a little" Zahavi smiled at the two. Everest gave a slight nod before trying to walk off. Wisp walked in the room and stared at Zahavi. "It's customary for the doctor to check whoever stays at the guild follow me to the hospital ward Z" Wisp smiled and trotted down the hall. Everest smiled and began to lean on anything that might help her get up the stairs. "C'mon Eve you know she wouldn't want to see you right now why push it" Sonny grumbled. "Because she's hurting Sonny and whether she knows it or not she needs comfort from one mon or another" Everest persisted, still trying to climb the stairs. "Ok well let me make this more specific your not going to be able to climb all those stairs Clarisse's room is at the top" Sonny rolled his eyes. "C'mon this injury should've healed days ago this is getting very annoying" Everest groaned. "Well I blamed her for it but you wouldn't let me and now you're annoyed" Sonny remarked. "I've always been in pain Sonny, I never blamed her because it wasn't her fault she's dealing with a lot right now. I wish I could do more to help but I always annoy her. I decide not to blame her for the pain I feel almost every day instead I focus on the positives instead. For example, waking up next to you brightens my whole day, seeing Orion smile and laugh with Luna is incredible to me. I look at the little things in life instead of focusing on the bigger problems" Everest smiled at him. Sonny gave a slight nod in response and hugged her. They stayed in that position for about five minutes before Everest remembered what she wanted to do. "Now can you please help me up the stairs so I can go talk to her" Everest pleaded. Zahavi stepped in front of her. "Allow me, It may not seem like she trusts or likes me but I'm the only mon she allows into her personal emotional life" Zahavi's face was serious. "If you can help her then I'll allow it" Everest nodded. Zahavi slowly trotted up the stairs and looked at Clarisse. "Ey love how you feelin? I'm sorry bout earlier I didn't mean to upset ya... Is it ok if we talk bout a few things?" Zahavi asked, walking into the room. Clarisse gave a small nod and sat on the bed. Zahavi slowly walked up to her and joined her on the bed. "Listen love I know it hurts but you can't keep pushing everymon out of your life, I know what it feels like to lose the ones you love the most and I'm here for you if you need anything at all" Zahavi stared at her. "Please don't I'm sorry but I've got a lot on my mind right now it'd be best if you just kinda shut up" Clarisse shoved his paw off her. "Oh ok so what do I say love?" Zahavi asked. "Um nothing at all or maybe just talk about your life" Clarisse offered a smile. "Hmm my life I don't got anythin for that one love" Zahavi chuckled. "Well if you're not interesting then you can go" she stifled a laugh. "Oh is that so well did you know there's a fucking legendary bird in front of the town" Zahavi laughed. "Yeah I did her name's Blizzard or at least that's what everyone calls her" Clarisse shrugged. "Y'know legendaries can speak to your dead loved ones right love" Zahavi offered. "I don't want her help and I don't want yours I just want to have a normal conversation for once not about me just about life" Clarisse shrugged.

"Is that so? I can do that if you really want me to love" Zahavi smiled at her. Clarisse looked away from him and focused her attention to the door. "I know you two are there please stop spying on us" she growled. Zahavi tilted his head but couldn't hear anything. Two eevee's peeked out from behind the door and looked at the two of them. "Mom told me to keep an eye on you," Orion shrugged. "Wait, so how come you two aren't evolved yet?" Zahavi asked. "We can't evolve," Luna and Orion replied at the same time. They looked at one another and laughed. "So how do you know Clarisse?" Zahavi asked. "She's basically like my cousin," Orion shrugged. "Ok how does she know the other eevee?" he asked once more. "I just showed up here. I'm not sure if Clarisse likes me very much but I like her" Luna smiled. Clarisse rolled her eyes and laid back on her bed. "Clair, is there anything wrong?" Zahavi asked her. Clarisse's eyes fluttered open and closed as she lay on the bed and not in a normal way. Clarisse slowly got up and wobbly walked to the door. Without another word she was outside. "Wait Clarisse come back!" Orion shouted trying to follow her. Clarisse began to run when she noticed mons were following her. "Has she done this before?" Zahavi asked. "She does it sometimes when she's uncomfortable or deep in thought" Luna shrugged. Orion nodded "Luna's right normally she does this about once a day when she wants to be by herself". "Then why are we following her?" Zahavi asked. "Because we want to know where she's going I'm worried she's never been that eager to go to wherever it is she's going" Orion replied. Clarisse shook off her thoughts. Sitting with Zahavi had made her feelings go crazy. She wasn't sure about him, it was like she had positive feelings for him. But during her time on the bed she realized something. She could see her parents again if she died but she didn't want to kill herself. She found that out as she began to run. She looked up at the sky. It was raining hard and everyone was inside. She finally found the pond and sat at the edge. Zahavi stopped the rumbling thunder and the droplets on his snout brought back bad memories. "Z you ok?" Orion asked. Zahavi was terrified but he didn't let anyone know. He wasn't going to ask how the shiny eevee knew his name; he was more focused on the weather. "Mhm" he quickly responded. "Well then c'mon" Luna motioned to where Clarisse went. Zahavi pushed past his fear and walked towards the pond. Instead of seeing Clarisse they ran into her other team members. A sylveon, a shiny flareon, a liepard wearing a red bow, and a vaporeon who looked as unhappy as Zahavi did to be out in the rain. "Ok well introductions quick the sylveon is Pixie, the shiny flareon is Lux, the vaporeon is his sister Lana, Regina's the fashionable liepard, normal eevee is Luna, and the shiny kanto vulpix is Zahavi" Orion noticed his friends confused faces. "Ok and what's your name?" Zahavi asked Orion. "Orion, now can we please find Clarisse?" Orion shook his head. "Yeah lets go" Zahavi nodded. 

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