Automatic chapter 3

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Cat's POV

I woke up and threw some sweats on with a black cami, black zip up hoodie showing the cami with some slides. I put my hair in a messy bun. I wasn't feeling it today I kept thinking about how ridiculously single I was and why I was single... I just didn't wanna deal with another incident like a few years ago... Which I'll explain later on in the story so y'all are in the loop. I head downstairs and see Calvin by the coffee maker with his arms crossed.

I roll my eyes "What? Gonna complain about this too "dad"?" I ask putting Air quotes around the word "dad"

"Nope looks better than the usual shit you wear."

I laugh "Like I'm in the mood for your shit today go fuck yourself side ways with a dildo for all I give a fuck. I'll grab coffee on the way to school." I say grabbing my keys and leaving.


After arriving at school I plug my headphones into my phone and play "Fake Smile" by Ariana Grande I've been feeling this lately....

As I'm walking down the hallway I bump into someone.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the slut!"

I take a deep breath knowing exactly who's voice that is "Alex." I simply say

Axel is my ex boyfriend the one who I lost my v card to the one who pretty much pushed me into having sex with him at a party one night...

"So are you still being a slut? Haha probably slept with half the school by now haven't ya?"

"Alex just leave me alone." I say trying to walk past him he blocks me grabbing my bag throwing it to the ground

He place his hand on the locker locking me in "Don't ever tell me what to do you little bitch. I'll smack you so hard that- "

"You'll do what to her?" Mr. Winchester asks crossing his arms

He laughs nervously moving away from me "I'll let the nice lady go by right?" He asks me

I nod fiercely before rushing off.

"Well Mr. Underwood I think it's time for a trip to the principal's office" Mr. Winchester says escorting him

I head to grab a coffee and sit in the back of Mr. Winchester's class I plug my headphones in and burry my face in knees.

I feel a hand on my shoulder I look up seeing Mr. Winchester as tears fall down my cheeks he bends down beside me.

"Cat?" He asks

"Y-yeah?" I ask

He makes sure no one is around and wipes my tears I half smile.

"Why didn't you say how he was treating you?" He asks

I sigh "I know it's the biggest cliché ever but he really wasn't like that. He changed after we had sex at a party which I didn't even wanna put he guilt tripped me, and pushed me into so I finally gave in so he'd stop pressuring me about it. This was before you started teaching here." I say shaking my head

He sits on the desk beside me "Cat, you are intelligent, Smart, beautiful young lady you don't need to feel like you have to do anything you aren't ready for. Don't let these jerks make you feel like that." Mr. Winchester says smiling

I smile "Mr. Winchester is bad that I just wanna be with someone who actually wants to be with me for me? You know we could hangout inside or go out whatever we do he's cool with just being with me?" I ask

He smiles "No, there's nothing wrong with that at all. I know you'll find that guy sometime but until then focus on you and school having fun you are 19 years old these are best years of your life. Don't look for love let it find you."

I smile and nod "Thank you Mr. Winchester." I say smiling

"When no one is around you can call me Dean alright?" He asks

"Okay Dean" I say smiling

He smiles back then heads to his desk as class begins.

*After Class*

"Soo how was class with Mr. Hunk?" Carla asks

I chuckle "He makes it hard to focus like all I think about looking at him his those arms and incredible abs through his tight button down shirts. I just wonder what those hands can do."

Carla laughs "Yeah seriously, he's illegally sexy."

"He really is so damn sexy and the fact that he's forbidden makes it even hotter." I say laughing.

"Miss Vega?" Mr. Winchester says behind us

"Oh crap! Let me guess "Detention?" I ask rolling my eyes

"Yep 3:00PM sharp." He says crossing his arms

I roll my eyes "Whatever."

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