Funeral Chapter 17

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Cat's POV

Dean and I landed at 11pm last night so waking up at 11am for the funeral was a bit difficult but we made it. I stare at her casket as tears fall down my face. Dean wraps me in his arms as I cry harder.

Soon enough the funeral begins and my mom comes to me.

"Hey sweetie" she says hugging me

I hug back "Hi momma"

She looks to Dean "Who's this handsome young man?"

Dean chuckles slightly "Dean nice to meet you."

"I'm Joan. Nice to meet you as well." My mom says hugging him he hugs back.

They part.

"Thank you for coming Dean it means a lot to me and I'm sure cat as well." Mom says

"Of course anytime." Dean says smiling

My mom smirks and whispers in my ear "Details are needed at a later date."

I chuckle and blush "Mommmmmm"

She chuckles "Okay okay but seriously I do wanna at least know more about him other than mom he's my handsome cheer coach"

I laugh "Mom, he was also my teacher."

"What? This is Mr. Winchester? The one you said was H.O.T.T hot?"

Author: omg I'm embarrassed and it's not even me 😅

I cover my face in my hands "Mom are you done embarrassing me?"

She laughs "Nope. Dean you should have heard her "oh mom he's so handsome" "oh mom I wanna be with him but he's taken"

Dean chuckles wrapping his arm around my waist "She's a very beautiful and special woman. I'm glad to have her beside me."

"Aww you are so sweet, I'm glad my daughter has someone reliable by her side." My mom says smiling

Dean kisses my forehead I smile and hug him tightly he hugs back.

"Does Dean know about Calvin?" Mom asks

"Yeah, I told him." I say nodding.

*A few days later*

It's been a few days since Aunt Julia's funeral I'm still in shock. I wish she could have met Dean...

Honestly right now I could use a distraction.  I just changed for cheer practice and was heading to the field when-

"Dean! You scared the hell out of me." I say laughing

He chuckles "I'm sorry baby. I just wanted some alone time with my angel." He says kissing my neck

I bite my lip running my hands through his hair.

"We don't have a lot of time angel." Dean says against my skin.

"Well since you always take care of me it's my turn to take care of you." I say getting on my knees


"UGHHH coach Winchester is late?" Danielle asks

"So is Cat." Chole says

Kelly's POV

I noticed the girls on the field as I did my run and I heard something said about cat and Dean so I run over.

"Well Cat's Aunt Julia's passed this weeknd she might be having a difficult time with that." I say leaving.

Cat's POV

After pleasing my handsome boyfriend we head to field separately.

"Umm cat? Your lipstick is messed up." Chole whispers

"Coach Winchester? What's up with your neck?" Katie asks

"Oh umm personal business that doesn't need to be discussed on the field." Dean says

I chuckle fixing my lipstick.

"Cat this is cheer practice not the make up salon girl bye!" Danielle says laughing

"That color is ugly anyways." Brie says (Danielle's minion)

"Who are you even trying to impress? Girl your ugly." Chelsea says laughing
(Danielle's other minion)

"She thinks she's got a chance with anyone she wants." Danielle says laughing more.

"Right she couldn't land a wall even if it ran into her." Brie says laughing harder

I look to Dean and smirk he nods moving aside.

"Ladies I have a huge announcement. The principal and coach have named me captain of the cheer squad." I beam

Danielle, Chelsea and Brie's eyes widen.

"That's right sweetie, you have to follow me and what I say."

She swallows hard I get an idea.

I place a hand on her cheek "Dearest Danielle, Stop testing your luck with me. I've got the sexiest, the hottest and most thoughtful man a woman could ask for. So the next time you wanna run your mouth get your facts straight. And sweetheart I've been told I'm very good at pleasing." I say blowing her a kiss

I look back a Dean who's facing the other way I giggle {Might have over did it definitely paying for that later}

I place a single finger on Brie's cheek "You know Brie for someone as pretty as you, your following someone with an ugly personality."

She scoffs I chuckle and grab her my her throat.

"I tried to be nice, now you've got me being mean." I say fake pouting

I drop her to the ground she coughs catching her breath.

"What? Oh! You thought I'd kill her? Haha no.. I just like choking bitches who deserve it. Brie, Danielle your booted from the squad got an issue go see the principal he will tell you the same." I say smiling

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