My immortal chapter 30

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Cat's POV

I'm currently sat in the coffee shop with Kelly and Tristan and I keep drifting in and out of our conversation. I have a flashback of someone I haven't thought of since I put a restraining order on him..


"I can't believe you are with him! WHAT DOES HE HAVE THAT I DON'T?"



*End of flashback*

I shake my head closing my eyes.

"Hey bae you okay?" Tristan asks

"Huh? Yeah." I say sighing

Kelly half smiles "A flashback of Calvin ?"

"Yeah how'd you know?" I ask

"Because I know you, honey he can't come anywhere near you or he will go to jail." Kelly says

"Whoa what happened with this guy?" Tristan asks

I sigh explaining the long, complicated history of Calvin and I.

"He put his hands on you?" Tristan asks

"Yeah, he wasn't always like that I don't know what changed." I say shaking my head

"Well don't worry about him, you've got a daddy who's handsome as hell and would give you the world if he could." Tristan says smiling

I smile back "True true"

"Speaking of the devil himself.." Tristan says looking behind me.

I turn and see him.

"Hey everyone, just letting you know practice is today at 3. Don't be late." Dean says crossing his arms.

"With all due respect coach Winchester, we knew that so what's your real reasoning for coming over here?" Tristan teases.

I chuckle "Tristan.."

"What? We already knew this didn't we?" He asks

"Okay maybe I did want to see my girl so what?" Dean asks smiling

I smile "Come on Dean, I'll be back y'all."

"Ooh take your time honey." Tristan says smiling


We make sure no one is around and we sneak into a supply closet.

"Good I've got you all alone" Dean says kissing my neck

I chuckle running my fingers through his hair "you are crazy babe."

"I'm glad I get to see you, it's hard keeping us a secret." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I know that's why I'm pushing for this early graduation program." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

He crashes his lips onto mine I kiss back melting into him.

"I love you beautiful." He says through kisses

"I love you handsome"


"Omg yessss that's me" Tristan says showing me a TikTok before cheer practice.

I laugh "Right A,B,C,D,E Fuck you and your mom, and your sister and your job and your broke ass car and that shit you call art."

"That would be your song to Calvin." Tristan says laughing

"Right bae. "

Dean comes over to us "Alright get in position so we run through the play for tomorrow night."

We all nod take our positions.

"Alright Tristan hold cat up by her feet, so she will basically be standing on your hands."

Tristan smirks "I'm sure she'd rather stand on her boyfriend's hands he'd get a good view."

Dean growls and sighs "Just focus on the routine."

Tristan laughs "Yes sir."

****After practice****

I take a shower to get sweat off me because it feels sticky and gross.. I'm washing my body when I feel hands on my waist.

"Hey sexy." Dean whispers in my ear which sends shivers down my spine.


He kisses my neck "Your mine you know."

"Of course I do." I say smiling

"On a serious note, does what Chasity said yesterday make you feel some type of way? Like do you think you can't please me?" He asks

I shake my head "No, because I'm pretty confident in my abilities."

"Good, you should be baby. As you can feel I'm really attracted to you." He says looking down.

I blush "Glad I know to excite you."

"Oh you do and more baby" he says kissing my forehead.

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