Chapter One

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            Our story begins when the Mario Brothers came to Nintendo High. Ever since their parents passed away, Mario and Luigi have been looking out for each other and promise to always be there for one another. Although, things began to change when the Mario Brothers entered Nintendo High. After, Mario took down Bowser from hurting a student, he began to hang out with DK and his football friends and began to be a member of the football game, which leaves Luigi alone and be the bunching bag for bullies. A few months later, during the homecoming game, everyone was cheering for Mario after scoring so many points for the team and seeing him as the hero of Nintendo High. While Luigi on the other hand volunteered to be the water boy, but when DK throwed away a banana peel, Luigi slip on it and feel down, which made everyone to laugh (except for Mario, Peach, and Daisy). So, Luigi ran away very upset, and this is where our story begins.

Luigi: (Upset) Great, now everyone will remember me as not only the punching bag but a loser. I should have chosen to find a job instead of going to this school. Maybe it'll be best if I leave forever, but what will it be of Mario. Oh, who am I kidding, he will be ok. Besides, he only looks out for himself. He even broke the promise we made to look out for each other. Why can't I be 100% hero like him? (Saw something falling from the sky and thought it was a shooting star.) Whoa, cool a shooting star! (Saw that it landed to the ground and went to check on it) (Notice how bright it looks) What is that thing? It must be a space rock. (Went to touch it, and it began to glow) (Saw a blue light wolf) (Afraid) Who...who are you?
Blue Light Wolf: I am the lone wolf who is now part of you.
Luigi: (Afraid) Wait what?
Blue Light Wolf: (Enters inside Luigi's heart)
Luigi: (Felt a change in his body) What is... happening... to me?! (Black out)

(Few hours later)

Luigi: (Wakes up) Grr... What happened. (Notice he's a wolf) (Screams)
???: Calm down, Luigi, you have nothing to fear your safe.
Luigi: Who...Who are you, and how do you know my name?
Professor E. Gadd: I am Professor E. Gadd, and I was the one who brought you here.
Luigi: Why am I here and why am I a wolf?
Professor E. Gadd: I'll explain to you, but first, let's transform yourself back into a human. (Use sun light)
Luigi: (Transform back into a human) Yes! (Notice that he still has a wolf ear and a tail) (Screams)
Professor E. Gadd: Calm down, just shake yourself and you'll be fine.
Luigi: (Shakes himself until he was normal again) Okay, now please explain to me what is going on, and what's this about?
Professor E. Gadd: It's about this. (Shows Luigi the rock he found)
Luigi: Hey, that's the space rock I found!
Professor E. Gadd: This is no ordinary space rock, Luigi. This is the moon stone. It's a powerful moon rock that can turn anyone who touched it into a wolf and give you wolf power, but only if the moonstone chose you.
Luigi: Why did it chose me?
Professor E. Gadd: Long ago, a group of Invader aliens from the plant Invade, have been invading our planet to take over the world. Until one day, an astronaut discovered a moonstone while he was at the moon, and it gave him wolf power and the power to transformed into a werewolf. After few days of training, this young astronaut defeated the Invaders and became known as the Lone Wolf. Although, when the Invader leader discovered how powerful the moonstone is, they decided to steal the moonstone, unfortunately, the Lone Wolf has passed away and the moonstone was nowhere to be seen. Legend tells that once the moonstone is found the Lone Wolf spirit would appear to the one who has the heart of a true hero. And that hero, is you.
Luigi: But I'm not a hero, I'm just a loser, and I'm nothing like my brother Mario.
Professor E. Gadd: Nonsense Luigi, the moonstone chose you because you have shown courage when you found it. And in time, you will learn what it means to be a hero. As of right now, you must take the responsibility to protect the moonstone.
Luigi: No, I'm not the Lone Wolf or the moonstone protector. I didn't even ask if I want to become a wolf. (Sigh) I'm going home. (About to leave)
Professor E. Gadd: Wait, before you leave put this on. (Gives him a silver bracelet)
Luigi: What is this?
Professor E. Gadd: It's a silver bracelet. It will keep you from transforming into a werewolf.
Luigi: (Sigh) (Puts the bracelet on)
Professor E. Gadd: Luigi if you ever change your mind? You know where to find me.
Luigi: (Leaves)

(Nintendo High)

Mario: (Saw Luigi) Luigi, there you are! Where have you been?
Luigi: (Silent) (Walks away)
Mario: Luigi? What's going on? Is something bothering you?
Luigi: Since when did you ever care about me?
Mario: Luigi, what are you talking about?
Luigi: (Angry) You know what I'm talking about! Ever since we lost our parents, we made a promise that we will always look out for each other, but after you became the hero of this school, you began to leave me behind and I became everyone's punching bag and a loser! You didn't even care how I was feeling! Or how it feels to be number two? (Sigh) I'm only here because I came to say goodbye.
Mario: Wait, your leaving!?
Luigi: Yeah, goodbye. (Walks away)
Mario: Luigi, wait!
Luigi: Just, leave me alone!

As Luigi was leaving Nintendo High, someone hit him in the forehead with a soccer ball, which made him to fall down.

Luigi: Ouch!
???: OMG! Are you okay?!
Luigi: (Notice it was Daisy) (Blushes) S-Sorry, I didn't saw you.
Daisy: No, that was my fault. Wait a minute, I know you. You're Mario's brother, Luigi.
Luigi: Yah, and you must be Daisy, the leader of the girls' soccer team.
Daisy: What are you doing here, shouldn't you be with your brother?
Luigi: I...I actually said goodbye to my brother because I feel like I don't belong to this school. So, I'm leaving to find a job that suits me. But first I need to find a place to stay.
Daisy: You can stay at my home. I'm sure my parents won't mind.
Luigi: I don't know. I don't want to be a burden.
Daisy: Nonsense, it's the least I can do, after I accidentally hit you on the forehead.
Luigi: Well, okay.

(At Sarasaland)

Luigi: Thanks again, for allowing me to stay.
Daisy: Your welcome, is there anything else I can get for you?
Luigi: No, I think this is enough. As of right now. I'm feeling confused.
Daisy: What do you mean?
Luigi: It just that me and Mario have always been together. But after we entered Nintendo High, we began to go our separate ways. Is it possible that we were destined to be on our own?
Daisy: Starting a new life at high school can be a challenge for all of us, but the best thing that we can do is we keep moving forward.
Luigi: (Sigh) Easy for you to say. I'm sure you don't know what's it like to be an outcast.
Daisy: Actually, I do. Besides, you and Peach, I've never told anyone that I'm Sarasalands princess because growing up, I've been always teased for being a princess and every kid thinks I'm weak. Although I've proved them wrong, because I began to play sports and not act so royalty. But when I came to Nintendo High, I began to worried that many people would see me as a densel in distress or boys would only like me because I'm a princess. So, I've decided to keep my title a secret until the time is right to tell the truth.
Luigi: Whoa, I have no idea, and ever since I saw you, I thought you were always a cool, smart, and pretty girl. (Realized what he just said) (Covers his mouth)
Daisy: (Giggle) So, I'm guessing you always see me when I play?
Luigi: (Blushes) Maybe
Daisy: Don't worry, at least your not some weirdo like Falcon.
Luigi: Yah... (Notice Daisy was about to grab his hand) Well good night! (Goes to his new room)
Daisy: (Shock) Oh, okay. Good night! (Goes to her room) That was strange. Everytime I grab a boys hand, they always think I have feelings for them. This is the first time a boy refuse. Well, best if I get some sleep right now.

            As Daisy arrived in her room, a giant mysterious purple alien appeared in her room. Daisy was surprise to see an unexpected visitor at the middle of the night. Although, she knew this was no ordinary visitor.

Daisy: Who are you and what are you doing at my room.
?: I am Tatanga, and I've come to retrieve my priced for the moonstone.
Daisy: What?
Tatanga: (Evil Laugh) (Grabs Daisy)
(Luigi's New Room)

Luigi: (Wakes up and hears Daisy's scream) Huh? What's going on? (Runs to Daisy room) What the? (Saw Daisy being taken away by Tatanga)
Tatanga: (Grabs Daisy while having her tied up with a rope) Soon, the Lone Wolf will have no other choice but to give me the moonstone, and if not, then I'll just have you as my princess instead!
Daisy: (Angry) Think again, purple weirdo, I rather date a shy man instead of some weirdo like you?
Tatanga: (Smirks) We'll see about that. (Evil Laugh)
Luigi: (Feeling hopeless) This is bad, really bad! What am I going to do?
Professor E. Gadd: I believe its time for everyone to know that the Lone Wolf has return.
Luigi: Huh? (Notice Professor E. Gadd) Professor E. Gadd, what are you doing here and how did you found me?
Professor E. Gadd: Since you've left, I know that the Invader's leader would return, and would somehow find a way to retrieve the moonstone by getting the Lone Wolf's attention. So, I had to follow you to make sure your okay. But it seems that the young princess is in danger. It seems you have no other choice but take the responsibility of becoming the new Lone Wolf in order to save your friend.
Luigi: But I can't. I'm no hero, I'm just a coward who will always be in his brother shadow.
Professor E. Gadd: I believe you have the same courage and potential as your brother has, and the biggest heart of true hero. And I believe you can do all things possible if you put your mind to it. So, what do you say? Are you ready to save the day?
Luigi: (Breathes) Your right, its time to show that alien that the Lone Wolf is back. But first, I need a disguise.
Professor E. Gadd: Alright, but we don't have much time. Quickly to my vehicle.
Luigi: (Follows E. Gadd)

To be Continued

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